The Card

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*when we last left Maya, she was about to read Lucas' card*

Maya carefully tears open the white envelope, revealing a shiny gold interior. She pulls out a red card with Merry Christmas written on the front. She opens the card and reads

Dear Maya,
I'm glad that I have a friend like you who cares so much about me and stops me before I do something I'll regret. I'm glad to have you in my life, you're always there to give me a reality check when I need it. Oh and between you and me I actually kinda like the nicknames. I hope you have a very merry Christmas.

"Aw... Huckleberry." Maya says to herself smiling at the heartfelt card, tears starting to form in her eyes. She realized that she might never get over Lucas as a tear rolls down her cheek. She needs to talk to someone. She doesn't want to talk to her mom or Shawn, she can't talk to Riley about this or Lucas, and Zay might tell Lucas. So she calls the only one of her friends she can talk to, Farkle. She goes to video chat on her phone and presses Farkle's name.
"Hey." Farkle says appearing on the screen.
"Hey." Maya replies in a shaky (obviously been crying kind of) voice.
"Maya what's wrong? Is everything ok?" Farkle asks concerned.
"I need someone to talk to." Maya replies again in her shaky (obviously been crying) voice.
"Ok, but don't you usually talk to Riley if you have a problem?" Farkle asks.
"I can't talk to her about this. Can you come over?" She asks in her shaky, crying voice.
"It's 11:30 but of course I will. I'll be there in 10." He says hanging up the phone.
Maya hangs up and tries to keep herself together until he gets there.
10 minutes later hears the buzzer
~"Hey it's me."~
Maya buzzes him up and one minute later he's at the door. Maya opens the door and hugs him tight and he hugs her back.
"Thank you." She says in her shaky, crying voice.
"Maya what's wrong?" Farkle asks concerned. Maya stepped back letting go of him and motioned towards her room. They walk in her room and sit on her bed.
"Lucas gave me this card for Christmas." Maya says a little more calm.
"Ok. What does it say?" Farkle asks. Maya reads the card out loud to him.
"Wow that was a really thoughtful card." Farkle comments.
"Yeah." Maya says looking down.
"So why are you crying about it?" Farkle asks.
"I don't know! I don't know why I'm crying! Why am I crying? I like Caleb." Maya says raising her voice and pacing tears fill her eyes, while Farkle sits on her bed.
"Maya." Farkle says in a way as if he's telling her to tell the truth.
"But I also like Lucas, maybe even love him, but he's with Riley and I need to move on even if it hurts, bad." She says tears rolling down her cheeks. "Because I could never take anything away from her because she's my best friend. But I still love Lucas. I don't know what to do Farkle." She says. She sits back down on her bed and Farkle puts an arm around her.
"Neither do I." He says bringing her into a full hug.

*I would just like to say thank you to all of you who have read my story and that as of now I have over 250 reads, so thank you all so very much and I hope you enjoyed this chapter. It was supposed to be shorter but I felt like Farkle needed to make an appearance.*

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