Maya's Chase

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When Maya arrives at the airport she barely waits for the cab to stop before she jumps out, the driver yells at her and she turns around franticly digging through her purse. She throws him a 10 and a 5, then runs into the airport. When she comes through the doors she stops and looks around desperately. When she doesn't see Lucas she looks at the departure times and sees that the only flight back to Texas was boarding at terminal B gate C4 in 13 minutes. Maya runs through crowds of people pushing past them. She was running as fast as she could through to crowded airport, ignoring peoples' disapproving looks. She pushes a door open and stops, breathing heavy. She looks around almost panicking, her heart beating so loud she could hear it. She thought it was going to burst, but just then she saw Lucas. Maya was certain her heart skipped a beat when she saw him. She breathed a sigh of relief.

"Lucas!" She called out to him, he turned around, a big smile spread across her face and she ran towards him.

"What now Maya? Did you come to yell at me some-" When she got to him she grabbed him and kissed him, cutting him off in the middle of what he was saying. After a moment Lucas pulls away. People were staring, obviously. I mean come on it was one of those dramatic, chase someone down in the airport, and tell them you love them kind of scenes like you see in movies. They both let out unsteady breaths, both hearts racing yet in sync. They stare into each other's eyes. "W...wait, what are you-" Lucas says, being cut off again by Maya.

"It's you, it's always been you." Maya says smiling, nearly in tears of joy at the fact that she was finally able to let her walls down, to admit her true feelings to herself and Lucas.

"What do you mean?" Lucas asked confused, but deep down he knew the answer.

"I thought I could ignore my feelings, I thought I could push them down and they'd go away. But I realized that wasn't going to happen, that's not how feelings work. I tried to put Riley first and I hate that I'm doing this to her, but I have to tell you I love you." She just barely finished her sentence before Lucas kissed her. The kiss was deep and long, full of love and way better than the 2 before. People were still watching, a few were "awwing" others were cheering or clapping, but Lucas and Maya didn't even notice.

They finally come back to reality as they slowly pull their lips apart, gazing at each other. The cheers and claps slowly grow louder and louder, they turn to look at the audience that has gathered and realize that they aren't actual alone. They both blush, embarrassed. Maya let's out a small, sheepish laugh, "You wanna go back to my apartment where there's not people staring at us?" She asks. Lucas raises an eyebrow alluding to a different meaning and Maya roles her eyes smiling.

They arrive back at Maya's apartment building and Lucas stops her at her door. "What about Caleb and Riley?" He asks worried.

"They both went home." Maya answers.

"Oh. Well in that case." He says pushing Maya against her door and going in for a kiss.

"Hold it tiger," She says stopping him, "let's get inside first. I don't need my nosy neighbors seeing us." She says smiling. She opens the door and they walk in.

"Do you know what time it is?" Lucas asks, closing the door.

"No." Maya replies, turning around to find Lucas standing right behind her.

He shows her his phone and on the screen in big numbers reads '12:00', "It's Christmas." He says smiling. He steps closer and wraps his arms around her and she does the same. "Merry Christmas Maya."

"Merry Christmas Lucas."

I didn't want to make another "Author's Note" about getting 6k reads, so again, I thank all of you for reading, it means so much to me, and I love you all.
If y'all want more Lucaya fanfics or Christmas or holiday fanfics just let me know.
And I'm so sorry this took forever. I was going to post before Christmas as a Christmas present for you guys but I had to work, and visit family, and then after Christmas I went on a trip. But here it is. The final chapter. On top of being busy I was avoiding writing this because I didn't want it to end, I didn't want to say goodbye, but all good things must come to an end. So this is goodbye.🙁

*************The End*************

A Christmas Love Story - Book 1Where stories live. Discover now