Maya's Surprise (Part 2)

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*It's 11:20 pm on Christmas Eve*

"What are you doing here?" Maya asks.
"I wanted to check in on you," RILEY says as she enters the apartment and starts walking towards the living room. "I know your mom is out of town until tomorrow morning so I wanted to make sure you weren't watching Christmas movies by yourself and sulk- oh... hi." Riley reaches the couch and turns seeing that Caleb was there, she couldn't see the kitchen from the front door so she didn't know he was in there. Caleb gives her a weak awkward half smile.
"Hey." He says then looks down at the counter in front of him.
"We were just... um... uh..." Maya says struggling to call what her and Caleb were doing a date.
"Oh! I'm sorry Maya I didn't know. I guess I should've texted you first." Riley says a little embarrassed at crashing their 'date'.
"No, it's fine." Maya says trying to hide the sound of relief in her voice.
"I should go." Riley says heading for the door, but Maya stops her.
"No you should stay. The more the merrier, right Caleb?" Maya asks.
"Huh? Oh... yeah right." Caleb says. Maya walks with Riley back to the couch and Caleb comes back with more popcorn. They start watching another Christmas movie. But about 10 minutes in there's another knock at the door.
Knock, knock, knock
Maya pauses the movie and looks at Riley.
"You didn't invite Farkle over as well did you?" Maya asks confused.
"No." Riley says also confused.
"Hmm..." Maya says, she sits there for a second.
Knock, knock, knock
Maya gets up and walks towards the door. "I'm coming!" She yells to the person on the other side of the door. She opens the door just enough to where she could peak her head through but Riley and Caleb wouldn't be able to see who it was. She opens the door and sees... "LUCAS!" She screams in her head. He is standing there with a big smile, happy to see her. But Maya, on the other hand, was not so excited. She was more shocked, looking at him with wide eyes.
"Who is it?" Riley asks curious.
"Um it's just my neighbor. They're going on... vacation soon and I'm supposed to take care of their... dog while they're gone. Just... give me a minute." Maya says exiting the apartment and closing the door behind her.


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