Maya's Deal

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*It's 6 days till Christmas Eve and Maya is sitting in her living room with Caleb.*

"I know that we don't know each other real well but I needed to talk to someone and I can't really talk to my friends about it." Maya tells Caleb as he sits on the couch.
"Ok what is it?" Caleb asked.
"So I told you about the triangle right?" Caleb nods. "Ok well I realized I still had feelings for Lucas and I tried to get over him by going out with you. But after our really, wonderful, date I still had feelings for him and my friend, Riley, told him about our date and I got mad and yelled at her which I don't normally do. And I needed someone to talk to." Maya says.
"I understand Maya I get what having feelings for someone who has feelings for someone else, is like. Also it's perfectly understandable why you yelled at your friend, we all get mad sometimes and do and say things we don't mean. From what you've told me about her I'm pretty sure she'll forgive you. And you can't expect yourself to get over him after just one date, feelings just don't work that way."
"Ok, then how about you and I go on more dates?" Maya says.
"Really?" Caleb asks pretty confused.
"Yeah. You said I can't get over him after just one date, so maybe if we go out some more maybe I'll get over him." Maya says.
"I don't want to be the guy that you use to get over someone." Caleb says in a calm tone.
"I know b-"
"But it's better me than someone who you can't be as honest with." Caleb says cutting Maya off.
"Really?" Maya asks confused.
"Yeah plus I like hanging out with you. So how about this you and I hang out so that you're not always hanging out with your friend and hopefully that way you're not always thinking about him?" Caleb asks.
"Hmm..." Maya says pretending to think about the offer. "Deal." She says sticking her hand out and shaking Caleb's.
"So since I'm over here, you want to go do something?" Caleb asks.
"Actually I probably need to go over to Riley's and apologize. So I'll probably end up hanging out over there." Maya replies.
"Ok, well text me whenever you want to do something or you need to stop thinking about him." Caleb says heading for the door.
"Okay." Maya says.

A little while later.

Maya walks up to the Matthews' door and knocks. Topanga opens the door.
"Did you two have a fight?" Topanga asks immediately.
"Yeah. How'd you know?" Maya asks.
"You came through the door not the window." Topanga says.
"Well it was kind of my fault, so I'm here to fix it."
"You know where she is." Topanga says motioning towards the hallway to Riley's room. Maya walks up to Riley's door and peeps her head in and sees Riley sitting on her bed on her laptop.
"Riles?" Maya says. Riley looks up from her laptop and looks a little surprised to see Maya.
"H...hey... Maya." Riley says almost nervous.
"Hey." Maya says walking in and closing the door.
"Um... what do you need?" Riley asks still not herself.
"Bay Window?" Maya asks walking toward it.
"Sure." Riley says still uneasy. Maya sits down. Riley shuts her laptop and joins her. Maya sits there looking at her hands.
"What is it?" Riley asked.
"I am so sorry for the way I spoke to you earlier, it was uncalled for and I over reacted." Maya said.
"No you were right." Riley says.
"About what? I said a lot." Maya says
"About how I shouldn't have told Lucas about your date. You were right, it was not my place to tell him and I'm sorry." Riley said.
"Well, thank you. But the other stuff about Lucas picking me instead of you, and how you a Lucas aren't together, and you guys not acting like a couple. That was really uncalled for and I'm sorry." Maya says.
"You're forgiven." Riley says smiling and giving Maya a hug.
"Well good cause I don't like mopey Riley, she bums me out." Maya says smiling. They hang out for the rest of the day and Maya spent the night (good thing Maya brought clothes).

I hope you enjoyed please keep reading and voting, it means a lot. Thank you.

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