Maya's 2nd Date (part 1)

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*It's 5 days till Christmas Eve and Maya is in her apartment on her phone*

"I miss you so much!" Maya says.
"I miss you too babe. I can't stand being away from you for so long." A voice says coming through the phone.
"Aw! I wish you were here." Maya says.
"Open your door." The voice says. Maya walks to her door and opens it. To see Lucas standing there.
"You're home!" Maya yells excitedly, hugging him. He throws his suitcase inside the apartment. When she lets go he presses his lips to hers and kisses her passionately.
"Wow you're not wasting any time." Maya says.
"Nope." Lucas says out of breath. He pulls Maya back to his lips and kisses her even more passionately. They take a few steps into the apartment (still kissing) and Lucas shuts the door. He picks her up and she wraps her legs around his waist, he carries her toward the bedroom. He lays her down on her bed and starts kissing her neck. Then everything starts fading. Maya opens her eyes and doesn't see Lucas on top of her she looks to her left and sees Riley laying next to her. As soon as she realized that it was a dream she sat up breathing heavily.
"Maya! Are you ok?" Riley asks a little startled.
"Yeah." Maya says breathing a little more normally.
"Just a bad dream."
"Oh." Riley said. "Do you want to talk about it?"
"No!" Maya says her voice a little raised. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to yell. I just..." Maya paused for a moment. "Do you want to meet Caleb?" She asked remembering their deal.
"What?" Riley asked her.
"We were going ice skating today. Do you want to come with? We can even bring Farkle so you won't feel like a 3rd wheel." Maya said hoping Riley would say yes.
"Ok! Sounds fun!" Riley said excitedly.
"Ok I'll text him." Maya said. Maya texted him while Riley was getting dressed and told him she needed to forget about Lucas and that her 2 friends were coming and that she already told them they were going ice skating. He said that he was ok with that. After Riley got ready she texted Farkle to get ready. Maya grabbed her keys and her and Riley drove over to her place because she didn't bring anything warm to wear over to Riley's. After Maya was ready they go get Farkle.

When they got there they met up with Caleb. Maya texted him earlier that they needed to kind of put on an act for her friends, well for Riley at least. When they were getting closer she quickened her pace a little and when she got to him she hugged him. When she let go and turned around she saw a huge smile stuck to Riley's face. (*you guys know the one*)
"You guys this is Caleb. Caleb these are my friends, Riley and Farkle." Maya said pointing to each one of them, with Caleb's one arm still around her.
"Hey." Caleb said.
"Hey." Riley and Farkle said. There was a moment of awkward silence.
"Let's go get our skates." Maya says.
"Yeah." The other 3 said at once.

After they all got their skates on they got on the ice and Maya and Caleb took off, while Farkle stayed with Riley to make sure she didn't fall too much (*you know... like she does*) . Maya was good at ice skating and when she realized that Caleb was able to keep up with her she was actually surprised. She gave him a sly grin and sped up, leaving him behind. He sped up as well and caught up with her. He gave her a sly grin and skated faster, leaving her behind. Maya sped up and was about to pass Caleb when he grabbed the sides of her jacket and pulled her back, close to him.
"Where do you think you're going?" He asked smiling.
"Away from you." She replied jokingly, laughing.
"If you don't let me go we're gonna- AAAAH!" Before Maya could finish she and Caleb fell. They laughed at each other. Caleb grabbed the wall and pulled himself up, then offered his hand to Maya. Maya took his hand and he pulled her up. After she was back up Maya slipped again but Caleb wrapped his arm around her and caught her. Maya looked up at him and he stared into her eyes, his arm still wrapped tightly around her. They both started to inch their heads closer and closer. But just then Riley came flying by out of control, flailing her arms and screaming.

To be continued...

Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed it. Keep reading and voting it means a lot and tells me that I'm not horrible at writing. Tell me if you want to hear Farkle's input about Maya and Caleb or just want the next part, because I can add it to the next chapter if y'all want it. I would love to hear your feedback. And once again thank you for reading.😘❤️

A Christmas Love Story - Book 1Where stories live. Discover now