Maya's Surprise (Part 1)

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*It's 11:15 pm on Christmas Eve*

After a romantic Candace Cameron movie.
"Have you ever noticed that in every single Christmas movie that she's in she starts out hating Christmas, but then she ends up falling in love with a guy who loves Christmas?" Maya asks Caleb as the end credits are rolling, and she is walking back to the kitchen.
"No, but now that I think about it you're right." Caleb responds.
"I mean I'm not complaining. I like storylines like that." Maya says.
"Like what?" Caleb asks heading to the kitchen as well.
"People who are so different and don't necessarily like each other when they meet, but then they spend time together and slowly grow closer to each other and then end up falling for each other." Maya replies smiling a little without realizing.
"Why do you like them so much?" Caleb asks, genuinely curious.
"I don't know. I guess because it shows you that you can find love when you least expect it, and it could be with the person you least expected." Maya says, her eyes lighting up brighter than the Christmas tree tucked in the corner of the living room.
"Like... us?" Caleb asks hesitating a little and standing a little close.
"Uh... yeah, I guess like... us." Maya says also hesitating, because she knew in her heart that she wasn't talking about her and Caleb. She was talking about her and Lucas. Caleb slowly leans closer and closer to Maya. Maya, wanting to get Lucas out of her head, started leaning closer and closer as well. "I shouldn't be doing this" she says to herself "I shouldn't lead him on... but I really want to forget about Lucas. Maybe if we just..." Maya's thought trails off, they are about to kiss when...
Knock, knock, knock
They stop.
"I should get that." Maya says trying not to sound too eager. She walks to the door, She was actually grateful to whoever was at the door for stopping them. These almost kiss moments were intense, but not as intense as the campfire with Lucas.
"Were you expecting someone?" Caleb asks kind of confused.
"No." Maya answers a little confused as well. "It's past 11 pm on Christmas Eve who would be coming over he..." When she opens the door she is shocked by who is standing there.

Who do you think is at the door?

I hope you enjoyed this chapter I know it was short but part 2 is yet to come. Keep reading and voting.

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