Chapter 15

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Finnick's POV


I need to find viola before I ruin things more than I already have. I see her walking to the elevator, head down. "Viola!" I call She hears me and walks faster and just as the elevator door is closing she looks at me, Angrily. I manage to catch up to her. "What?" I say confused. Not there. I Walk into her room reluctantly. Wincing as I push open the door to the bathroom. Eyes closed, "Viola?" "Are you in here?" no answer. What the........ I look everywhere and just decide to go think things over on the roof.

Viola's POV


I still couldn't believe they even Odair would say something like that! Why do I care though!.....Why do I care?..... I don't even know. I hear running, Up the back stairs. The steps turn out to be none other than Finnick. Huh. "Hey..." "What do you want...." I mumble not even looking at him "I want to fix this." he walks over, hands in his pockets. "I'm fine, there's nothing to fix." Then he does something. Something I didn't want to happen. He kissed me... At first I was shocked and slowly, I kissed back. I wrap my hands around his neck, not wanting to let go. My body flows with a warm feeling. But eventually I needed to breathe and pulled away. "What was that for?!?" I say, coming into reality. My mind is bubbling with "whys". Why did he kiss me?

Why did I kiss back?

Why am I happy?

And Most of all, Why did I like kissing him?

He looks at me. Eyes sparkling.

"What was that for?!" I say again, removing myself from his grasp.

"Viola... I really like you." I stay quiet. He walks up closer. "I really wish I told you sooner." Again, scilence.

This is bad...


"Hey Viola!" "How was your first day at kindergarten?" my mother says, her welcoming voice fills the room. I plop myself down on the kitchen chair. "Not good." I pout. "hmm?" "do you want to talk about it?" She says, setting a plate of freshly baked chocolate chip cookies in front of me,and had a seat across from me. "The boys in my class were calling me names." I frown "Oh dear, we can't have that." "Maybe they like you?" "But mommy,why would they say mean things, and tease me if they liked me?" "Boys do that sometimes dear." "boys are confusing." I agree, mouth full. "one day you will meet a boy who loves you with all his heart and will make you feel lovely." "Ewww!" "gross!"I say making a face. Mother laughs and hugs me. "You'll understand one day sweetie."

{end of flashback}

I run back to my room leaving Finnick alone on the roof. Why mother? why did you have to give me that advice? This wasn't good.

Not good at all....


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