Chapter 25

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Finnick's POV


The warm humid air wakes me up before the others. I take the small satchel and head down to the beach to splash my face with the water hoping it would wake me up a little more. It's hot and I am willing to do anything for freshwater. I make my way along the beach looking for any food. After what seems hours, I have collected 6 decent sized crabs I put them in my bag. But no luck with a drinkable water source. I make my way back to camp to see everyone is just getting up. I hold up my bag. "Who's hungry?!" I yell out. "Hey!" everyone walks over smiling. "I'm starving!" Katniss smiles. "Thanks Finnick!" everyone says. We cook the crabs and eat everything. But the crabs still left us hungry. "Thanks Odair.'' Viola says. "No problem." "Finnick did you find any water?" Katniss asks hopefully. "No, I didn't Katniss." I say feeling bad. "That's alright." she smiles sweetly. But I can tell she's dissapointed. "We should get moving as soon as we finish eating though." Says viola. "Your right." Peeta agrees. "Maybe we'll find a spring or something." After we pack up our things we head out. Peeta and I lead the way. We start talking about talking about the way we do things in our districts. And it was maybe a half an hour in to our walk, and Katniss screams. "PEETA!" Then he was sent flying backwards and we all gather around him. "PEETA!" "PEETA WAKE UP!" Katniss screams. I spring into action. "Move Katniss!" "NO PEETA!" she screams Viola try's to calm her down. "Katniss!" "it's okay!" "calm down" it's okay." she comforts. I start pushing on his chest. Trying to get his heart pumping again. Technically, he's dead. After about 2 or 3 minutes of CPR, I'm getting tired. And just when I am starting to think all is lost, he gasps for air and he's breathing again. "Peeta!" Says Katniss her face lighting up. Then she runs over to Peeta and hugs him. "Finnick!" "Thank you so much." she says still crying. "Anytime." I smile. "Thanks Finnick." Peeta says, winded. "Let's take a break." Says mags. "Yes!" viola Sighs, exhausted. We sit for a while and let everyone recharge. It's been at least an hour and we are desperate for water. "We better get moving." Katniss announces. "Your right Katniss." agrees Viola. She seems uneasy. But we keep moving until we reach dense foliage. That's where we rest for the night.


I don't get much sleep and viola is under my arm. It's at least 12:00 am.

I take a deep breath and the air burns my nose. I see wisps of smoke in the air and grab my trident. Just to be sure another tribute didn't start a fire. But it isn't smoke. It's poison. It's gas. I yell, "RUN!" I pick up Viola and set her down. "Finnick?" "What's wrong." "We need to get out of here." I explain. "Why?!" "Just run!" I hear a scream from Katniss. I grab her arm and she runs. I hold mags on my back. The gas is catching up with us. My nose is on fire. I can't breathe well. Every breath is agonizing. All of a sudden Peeta collapses. Then I do. My arm has no feeling. I can't carry Mags anymore. She jumps of my back and gives me a kiss. "Mags, what are you doing?!" "MAGS!" she smiles and leaves into the fog without a word. Everything goes hazy. I feel a pair of arms dragging me away from the scene. "Let's go Finnick." says a shaky voice. It's Viola. I look at her and her arms are shaking. And we stumble and fall down a steep side of a hill. We land by the beach. Katniss and Peeta fall as well. Then we're all together again. Well almost all of us.




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