Chapter 23

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Finnicks POV


I realize I was forgetting somthing.


Dear god.


I run back towards the cornucopia almost tripping on a stray vine. "Finnick!!!" I hear them scream.

I hear footsteps behind me.

Mags comes into view, she's okay.

I need to protect her. She's my family.

"Finnick!" "Mags!" I yell. I run over frantically, picking her up softly. We run towards the others quickly. We pass the cornucopia and I grab a pack of arrows for Katniss A sword for peeta, and mags takes a satchel. "Finnick!" "Mags!" Viola screams. I'm knocked over by the tribute from district 3. She sends a deep gash through my arm with a dagger. I yell in pain. I send my trident through her chest she closes her eyes in a trance. Her cannon goes off, she's dead.

Gone, and I killed her. I just killed an innocent person. "Let's go Finnick." Viola mutters. We move in closer to the jungle. We've moved a fair distance so we place a camp. "Viola, is there bandages in your bag?" "Yes!" "There's a whole first aid kit in here!" We got lucky this time. "Oh god Finnick!" she says shocked. "Your arm looks awful!" The wound was deep, a little more than a half an inch. "Come here and I'll clean It up." She says opening up the silver box. "This will sting Finnick." she pours a small amount of a clear liquid on a round pad. Next she applies pressure and I feel the most unpleasant burning sensation on my arm. I wince, "That burns like hell!" I say. She laughs, "I warned you!" After she cleans the wound I can see all the blood on the bandages. "Finnick this is going to need stitches." It's a bit deep, I'm putting more alcohol on it." "Alright just get this over with" I grunt because this time she pours it all over. "Okay that's enough, I'm bandaging it now, it will stop the bleeding." Katniss, Mags, and Peeta come over. "I wish you were here last games Viola." Peeta says looking at Katniss. "Peeta needed that when his leg got infected." Katniss says wincing at my arm. "I know a little about nursing." says Viola. "I always get cut with my knife throwing, I know the first aid for any cut or wound." "We found a good place to rest tonight." Mags tells us. "But we're going to have to take watch throughout the night." Katniss explains. "Peeta and I will take first watch." "No Katniss, Finnick and I will." "Are you sure Viola?" "Yes I'm sure." "You need to sleep."


Later when we all gather over by a sturdy tree we look through our things we collected at the cornucopia. In the satchel I got there was an empty water bottle, Rope, a package of dried fruit and some matches. Viola got the best by far. She managed to grab a bag with four metal water bottles, crackers, a long rope, and a sleeping bag. We handed out all the water bottles. We hear the anthem and we all look up into the sky. The man from District 5,the man from District 6, both tributes from District 8, both tributes from District 9, the District 10 female, both tributes from District 10, and One from District 11. The light goes out. The anthem has ended. "We better get to sleep." Mags says. And we do. At least the others, Viola and I take watch. "Thank you Viola." I whisper into her ear. She snuggles closer to me and she says your welcome."Want to know something?" I ask. "Of corse." "I love you." I say looking into her blue eyes. "Want to know something?" she asks. "Of corse." I say. "I've always loved you."


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