Chapter 28

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Finnicks POV


"Come on Johanna, I'll take you back to our camp." "Whatever you say Finnick." she said bluntly.

"Tick tock."

"Tick tock."

"What's wrong with her?" I ask

"She's in shock, and she's dehydrated which isn't helping." Beetee replies, Exausted. "We'll Get you all some fresh water." "Thank you Finnick." Beetee smiles.

"Tick tock"

"Tick tock"

"Tick tock"

"Will you shut up?!" Johanna screeches.

"Johanna!" I say


"Fine" she says with a frustrated huff

When we get back to camp, I see that Katniss shot something down. "Hey Finnick." Says Katniss. "I shot us down some breakfast, I think it's some sort of rodent." "We have fresh water and Peeta and I caught some fish with Katniss bow as well." Viola adds. "Great!" "I found Johanna, Wiress, And Beetee." Katniss' eyes light up. obviously happy to see them. "Let's eat!" Says Peeta. we eat the rodent Katniss shot, and surprisingly we all had enough. "We should get moving." I say. "Your right Finnick." Viola agrees, looking anxious. Together we lead the way, talking about things. She's tense I try to calm her down. we stop for water, all of us thirsty. "KATNISS!" "KATNISS HELP ME!!" we all hear it. "PRIM!?" "PRIM WHERE ARE YOU?" Katniss screams panicking. she runs after the sound. And so do I. "Katniss!" "Katniss wait" I call. "PRIM!" "Katniss calm down it's the jabber jays!" "Jabber jays copy." I say trying to comfort her. "Yes, jabber jays copy, but where do you think they got those sounds?!" Choked Katniss. Her eyes red and cheeks wet with tears. "FINNICK!" "FINNICK HELP!" "ANNIE!" "ANNIE!" I call. "FINNICK THEYRE HURTING ME!" I know it's just the jabber jays, but it sounds so real. Too real. Viola is running after us. "VIOLA!" "VIOLA HELP ME!" "DONT LET THEM HURT ME!" I know who it is. It's viola's brother. "MICHAEL?!" She Screams.

Her eyes widen in a panick. She turns around.

And at that moment a whole swarm of jabber jays fly near our heads, still screaming. It's agonizing. we try to catch up with the others, but an invisible wall is blocking our way.

We try to break through, but it's no use the game makers split us up.

Peeta makes an effort to break through as well. Johanna Wiress and Beetee are no where to be found.

I grab Viola and hold her hand.

Katniss' hands fly up to her ears, and so do mine. but it's not like it helps.


"Finnick!" Viola's screaming,yet it's barley audible. "Katniss!" "It's over!" "The hour's up!" Peeta consoles gently. Katniss still sobbing. My ears ring. Viola rests her head in my shoulder. She knows how much Annie means to me.

She's like my sister.

Along with mags she's my family.

Viola kisses my cheek. I kiss hers.

We get moving everyone except Katniss Viola and I are talking about rebellion and president snow.

Johanna making crude remarks.

Not that they're not the truth.

Though one things for certain.

I will never forget those screams.



Intense 😄

Posting this weekend

Working on a new chapter as we speak! 😚


1.3k 💕💕👏👏🎊🎈🎈

This means so much to me!



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