Chapter 29

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Viola's POV


I was afraid to fall asleep.

If I did I would have a nightmare.

I can tell.

I wouldn't be able to wake up from it.

I am being weak, I can't be weak.

I have my brother to set a good example for.

I can't let it show.

So, I take watch.

Looking at the usually ocean calms me down.

Not this ocean though.

This ocean Is the game makers creation.


It's not the same. Many important thoughts race through my mind.

Things like:

Will I live?

Will I die?

Is my brother okay?

And some less important things like:

What time is it?

When will everyone wake up?

Why am I up in this tree?

I hop out of the tree to find some of those nuts Mags had been eating.

They seem to grow rapidly in this area.

I wish I could just leave.

Just leave and stop everything.

If only...

Finnicks POV


I stretch out to feel Viola's soft brown hair. My eyes still closed, I feel around. I forget she wanted to keep watch. I look up in the tree. No one.

I start to worry.

"Viola!" I whisper


Now I have to get up and look around.

"Hopefully she turns up" I say.

"Why am I talking to myself?"

I whisper.

God what an idiot I am.

I hear rustling in the trees nearby.

"Viola?" I say


"Where are you?!"

"I'm up here!!"


"Does it matter?"



"Your going the wrong way!"

I hear something drop to the ground

I turn around and a rock hits my forehead. It's not a rock , it's a nut.

"Crap!!" She cringes

"That was my head!"


"Quit throwing things I can see what tree your in now!"

I climb up and meet her at the top

"Hi." she smiles


*awkward silence*


"Want a snack?"

She holds her hands out.

They're full of nuts.

"Sure, thanks." I smile.


"These are almonds!"

I've only had some once before.

These were fresh...

And good too. "I've always wanted to try some!"

"I'm so glad I got to try them with you." She grabs my hands gently.

"I love you Finnick."

"I'm sorry I was so mean before."

"You weren't." I say removing a stray strand of hair from her face.

"I was Finnick."

"Stop, not another word." I give her a smirk.

I cup her cheeks in my hands and lean in to kiss her.

Our lips fit together perfectly.

It's almost natural

And walking back to camp that night,

I knew

Viola was the one for me.

I knew because I've never felt this way for another girl.


♡ awww

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All 1400 of you ♡ ♡ ♡

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