Chapter 23

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In the sewers

Raph's P.O.V

Leo has been gone for 5 hours. I know I am still mad at him but he is my brother. I still care for him, even if he is an asshole at times.

I got out my room to tell Donnie and Mikey to come with me and go find Leo.

Once we got out the sewers we tried to look for Leo at every rooftop, street, sidewalk...basically everywhere...except Shredder's lair.

"Guys...I think we should check Shredder's lair." I told Donnie and Mikey as they gasped.

"Do you really think Leo is in Shredder's lair?!" Mikey asked scared.

"Knowing that he has relations with Tigerclaw..he might be there." I told them as they nodded and we made our way to Shredders lair.

In Shredder's lair

We are here now as we used stealth as we entered Shredder's lair.

I saw Leo and Tigerclaw chained up beside Shredder's throne. I wondered why Tigerclaw was even chained up...isn't he in the foot clan??

Shredder then saw us as we came in ready to fight.

"So..I now have the rest of the idiot turtles to save their brother. Where is the rat??" Shredder asked as I got really angry.

"Doesn't matter! Now give us back our brother!!!!" I yelled as Shredder just laughed in an evil way.

Me and Mikey fought Shredder as Donnie tried getting Leo untied.

Donnie got Leo untied, but he didn't get Tigerclaw untied, which I didn't care. But Leo did.

"Wait!!! I have to untie Tigerclaw!!" Leo yelled as I replied, "NO!!! I THOUGHT YOU BROKE UP WITH HIM!!! WE SAVED YOUR ASS AND YOU'RE WORRIED ABOUT HIM?!?!"

Leo didn't say anything back. He just rolled his eyes. He untied Tigerclaw and Mikey used a smoke bomb and got us out of there.

We were now in the sewers and we were all here...even fucking Tigerclaw.

Leo and Tigerclaw were holding hands. That got me so fucking angry.

"WHAT THE FUCK?!?!? WHY ARE YOU TWO STILL TOGETHER?!?!? JUST BREAK UP ALREADY!!!!" I yelled as Leo got in my face and he looked pissed.

"Listen Raph, I thank you, Mikey and Donnie for saving me. And if you're still mad at me for being with Tigerclaw...then so be it. I love him and if you would just get to know him it would be great better get used to seeing him. He lives here now."

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