Alexs Day

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Alex POV:

I got up early for school like i always do went to the bathroom to freshen upand get dressed i knew i was up before Jaz because she gets up late so i didnt bother her. I got dressed in a Forever 21 light green shirt, some skinny jeans,and some light purple Converse i was looking cute as heck.


I was in my class when jas jinally came in 30mins late,not unusal. We got a new student his name was Chresanto i think he was cute but not my type. In my french class we got  another neew student he had an afro low cut some grey converse a black shirt and some boot cut baggy jeans his name was Jacob. He looked hot but he was so quiet it was kind of creepy,he didnt even do his work just put his head down and kept starimg at me and the wall. Frnch.was then finally over thank god, i rushed to get out of that class but someone grabbed my wrists. I slowy turned around to see who it was and sadly it was creepy little jacob. He asked me for my number in a low murmmer. I was about to reject him but someone bumped him and hid glasses fell off i looked into his eyes and almost fell into his cold hands. His eyes were a light hazel they were beautiful, some how my number slipped out of my mouth and he said a very low thanks and bye and was gone in a flash. Woah that was ummm interesting , throughout the whole day the only thing on my mind was jacob and his eyes. They were mezmorizing, i was hooked but i coundnt he was so wierd and mysterious. When the last bell rang i decided to walk home to think more, all of a sudden a gust of wind blows past me and i liok over and there he is standing there. He was lookimg at me we were same height this time his eyes eere magenta. As i walked home he walked with me when i finally reached hime he asked if he could come with me in a wierd way. Under his eyes o gave in and let him in, we walked up to my room luckily Jaz was in the shower he then sat himself on my bed and we sttarted talking. 20 mins later wgile we were chattimg it up i noticed that jay kept fidgeting and bounceing his leg.

"Are you okay i asked worried for him"

"Yea im fine (kinda of a satanic voice)

Woah are u sure i asked scared

Im fine he shouted in frustaration.

All of a sudden he jumped up grabbed all his stuff and ran out the door , i yelled JACOB JACOB he turned around and i swear his eyes were pitch black after that he sprinted off. I went back into the house changed and got ready for a long nap.

Jacob POV:

While talking to alex i was getting real hungry it was getting hard to be around her i stsrted moving atound. Are you okay she asked im fine i said with my vampire voice coming out. Are you sure she askec kind of worried, yes im fine i said aggitated. Seconds later i coundnt take it anymore i was goinh to rip her head off if i didnt eat. I jumped up grabed all my stuff and ran out she chased after me screaming my name. I got to the corner when sh called me one more time i looked back then sprinted around the corner to my bro chres house. When i got there i banged on his door in hunger. He finally answered immediatly i smelled blood. I looked at him and he was drinking some out of a plastic cup. I tackled him stole the cup and drank slowly my eyes turned back to normal.

Thanks for the blood bro i said while walking out he was cursing me out while i left. Finally i got out there was nothing to do alex and chres are mad at me so i cant go to there house so i just decided to go to my girlfriend Makenzi house to chill i guess.

A/N: i know right finally updated after years so yea thanks peace

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