In My Arms

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Jacob's POV

Alex and I were both outside in the woods, i was teaching her how to hunt correctly. It was harder then i thoughgt, every time she ajusted her eyes to spot her prey she would pounce and hit s tree. The worse part is that her eyes our going on a frenzy so she keeps having these mood changes every second and its so annoying. After while i just caught a deer and we both shared it under the stars.

Alex POV

I find being a vampire kind of well challenging, like my eyes our always hurting and jacob is always distant i wonder why. Like he wont cuddle with me not even hug me and it really irks me like what the heck. But one of my worst concerns is about Chres like he hasnt said anything to us except when he found out that i was a vampire but that was a week ago, im really worried like maybe its because of jasmine. Speaking of jasmine i got a text from a unknow number 2 days ago saying "He's not what i thought he was" i tried texting back but they never answered i hope shes alright.


I cant wait to see my little brother i miss him so much i think i might surprise him tommorow.

Jasmine POV

Im terrified, i just found out about Ray he is not normal and im afraid, he'll hurt me in the near futre. For the past few days ive been getting this feeling in my gut that something is going to pop off soon and it wont be good.

I got up and i was hungry, i started banging on the locked door screaming and hollering. Soon enough Ray came in, and had the meanest look on his face his eyes were twitching. He looked at me and his eyes were black and red, uh oh i know i did it now ive been in this sitaution before with Chres and its not going to end well. He then yelled at me;


"I was just hungry, i said barely over a whisper.


He grabbed me roughly, and pulled me over to him he stripped me naked and i felt so violated. He pushed me on the dirty floor mattress, he took off his shirt and climed on top of me and rapidly pushed out his fangs. They were kind of dull but they were still deadly. He grabbed my head and tilted it i felt the tips of his fangs at my neck, right when he pressed in the door was busted down.

Chres's POV

I pulled up at a underground warehouse in the woods, i got out the car and searched around for the entrance i stepped heard a crunch and fell through a hole.

Luckily i landed on my feet, i dusted my self off, in the distant i heard a tiny little shriek jasmine. I followed it and stopped infront of a door i turned the knob but of course it was locked. I kicked it and it fell to the ground i saw ray hovering over Jasmine. I grabbed him and with no hesitstation i snapped his neck. I looked over at Jasmine and saw her in the fetal position rocking back and forth, i whispered her name jasmine its me. She looked up and burst into a million tears. She manged to pick herself up, i looked at her nude body in horror she looked mangled and destroyed. She then fell to her knees and started to crawl towards me. She got up to me and layed on my shirt while she sobbed, i wrapped her in my jacket and i walked us to my truck. I whispered to her, "Shhhh it will be alright i got you, and im never letting go"

A/N i cried while typing this chapter.

She looked up and burst into a million tears, she manged to pick herself up sh

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