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-Cameron's Pov-

"So Cam what's happening in life?" Chris asked as we both drank water while sitting down on his balcony.

"It's been crazy man. I thought getting out of rehab would clear my stress and I'd be but reality hit me and I have to live this crazy life that I have"

"Come tell me"

I sighed before starting. "Well, you remember Alyssa? From high school."

"Oh gosh that crazy ex girlfriend you dated? What about her?"

"Well we got back together and she's pregnant but I'm sure it's not my baby. I don't know what it is but I just know it isn't mine. Something tells me it isn't"

"Wow man. I wouldn't be surprised if she cheated. She's pretty crazy"

"You think she got pregnant so I wouldn't leave her?"

"Dude it's obvious. I don't even need to explain everything you need to know you already know. Don't be oblivious"

I let out a sigh once more. But this time it was longer.

"So what else you got?"

"Oh, well I haven't talked to Leyuh in almost a month. I'm letting her get settled in and just be stressed free but right now we both need that"

"Oh yeah Leyuh. I remember when she came to our little get together. What's up with her?"

"Long story but she had a crazy ex husband and I don't know what she's doing right now but it's best that we both take a break"

"What if she takes a long break to the point where she finds someone else? Or you still in love with her?"

"I mean it would hurt me because we were just starting to talk. It hurt me a lot actually"

"Man what ever happens. You can get any girl you desire. Shit you're Cameron Dallas!!" He said out loud.

"Shh" I smiled. "I just want to take a little break. Like I said I just got out from rehab and I'm trying not to get stressed out about one more thing. Especially a crazy girlfriend"

"You and me both on that last part" he chuckled as so did I.
-Leyuh's pov-

"So this is your car?" I asked surprised

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"So this is your car?" I asked surprised. "How does this even fit in your garage.

"I make it work" he winked as I followed him. "Get in" he opened the door for me.

I jumped to try to get in but I couldn't.

"It's hard" I said trying harder and harder.

He laughed. It was the most girliest laugh that made my body light up. I could get used to her laugh.

"Here" he said grabbing my butt making it easier to climb.

"Thanks" I said as he closed the door.

He got in with no problem.

"You're used to getting on here?" I asked.

"Yeah I've had this baby for 4 years"

"Really? She looks new" I smiled. "Like you bought it two days ago" I inhaled in the smell of his scent that was roaming in the car.

"So where do you want to go first? I'm your personal uber driver" he said starting the car.

"First the mall" I said. I needed formal and fancy looking clothing and the clothes I have are way too casual. Shirt and a pants were not enough for the family that I'm staying with.

"Why the mall?"

"Just need to buy new clothes" I said not wanting to sound rude to say that 'you guys are too fancy for me'

"Why you look fine in the outfits I've seen" he licked his lips.

"Thank you but I just got payed so I'm spending what I want"

He nodded in defense. "Okay I was just asking. Where next after the mall?"

"I need to go to my dad's house for a little. We need to catch up on things" I said remembering about the divorce.

"I'll wait in the car. Take your time" he said taking a left turn.

"You don't have to. They are really nice. You'll feel welcomed" I said as he smiled.

"Thank you but I don't really know you, what makes you think I want to meet your parents" he said.


He looked at me and immediately felt regretted. "I didn't mean it like that. I meant I want to get to know you so if they ask any questions about us I would answer then confidently"

"But why would it be so important if we're just friends?"

"Friends" he paused smiling. "Sure"

Okay totally ignored my question.
We were on our way to my dad's house. We had just finished shopping and it was pretty fast but it felt like forever because I couldn't decided what type of outfits would look good.

Seeing that people in the house don't go out much they usually wear fancy clothes around the house.

As I walked inside the store Kingdom Palace. There were so many cute dresses that would fit perfectly.

But the prices were way too high for my pay check. I could buy an apartment with that money.

"This dress looks so pretty" I said as I admired the diamonds around the chest area as the nude silk fabric flowed down.


"Get it. You would look good in it" Christian said.

"Thank you but..." I showed him the price as it didn't really bother him of the price.

"Get it"

"Are you kidding me? That takes up my whole pay check and I need to help my folks survive with a roof over their heads and food on their table"

I put the dress down and continued searching for a perfect dress which I ended up not buying anything from that store realizing the prices became higher and higher.

I continued thinking about that thought as Christian asked for the directions.

"Take a left" I said as that thought soon faded away.

I changed Davids grandson to Christian. I realized we had a Jason already

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