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-2 weeks later-
-Alyssa's Pov-

I waited patiently this time in the Doctor's office because I really didn't want to know who was the baby's Dad.

"Alright" I heard the doctor say from behind as he walked in front of the desk in front of me.

"Here are the test results and according to this. The DNA you gave me did not match with the baby that is inside you"

My heart dropped as I let a tear out.

It must be Jacob's.

"I'm so sorry. Here are so flyers for Single Mothers. It's a program that helps a lot. Mother's send a lot of good feed back. It's like camp where they encourage you to be a mother/father figure to your child"

He handed me the flyers as I was still speechlessness.

"Wow" I said breathing deep breathes.

"I'm so sorry" he said once again.

"No it's fine. I'll think about the flyers" I said grabbing my bag as I walked out the door.

Packing my bags right when I get home.
-Leyuh's Pov-

I walked around the house admiring the pictures that were up.

There were a lot of Christian and David.

There were a lot of these little kids who mostly in the pictures had chocolate stains around there mouths.

I smiled at all over them.

Why would they put them in big portraits? I asked myself.

"Boo" I felt hands touch my waist as it was Christian.

"That didn't scare me at all" I laughed as I looked into his eyes.

"How'd you sleep?" He asked leaning on the wall.

"Why?" I asked wondering. Did it happen?

"I don't know, I heard you talking in your sleep while I would walk past the room"

"Isn't your room downstairs?"

"Yeah but I had some business to get done"

"Oh I just had a dream. A regular dream. Nothing that would concern anyone" I said fast.

"Slow down" he bit his bottom lip starring at me as I continued to look at the pictures.

"So who are those people?" I asked pointing at the kids from earlier.

"Those are my cousins. Yeah they are messy eaters. Like me" He joked. I hope.

"Very funny" I said as I checked the time. "It's almost 6. I have to make dinner for David" I said walking my way to the kitchen.

"Do you eat with him?" He asked while walking with me.

"Yeah of course. It's really nice having company while eating. You should eat dinner with us"

"I don't think that's a good idea" he said sighing.

"Come on I make a good looking meatloaf" I said smiling.

"I'll try it but I won't be eating with you guys"

"Come on. Do it for your good friend" I said begging.

"I loved it when you beg. You should do that more often" he said winking.

"So you'll do it?"

"If you'll stop being annoying"

"Cool. I'll see you then" I said walking into the kitchen.

"What you don't want me to keep you company?"

"I mean if you want to" I said getting the stuff out.

"I want to see how you make you 'good looking meat loaf'" he said as I smiled.

"Watch a learn" I said giggling.
-Cameron's Pov-

I heard the door slam as I heard crying noises.

I went downstairs to go look.

"Alyssa?" I asked as she walked past me upstairs.

"I'm leaving" she said going to the closet getting a huge suitcase.

"Wait what happened?" I asked as she looked at me with pain in her eyes.

"I'm leaving because we fight a lot and it's not healthy for the baby"

"Look Alyssa no matter what happens I'll help you take care of the baby"

She looked at me in the eyes for a second.

"Cameron I want to be far away as possible from you"

She said walking past me once more as I felt horrible.

"Well where are you going?"

"To a camp. It's for women who are pregnant and help them make smart choices" she said while packing. "I'm leaving first thing in the morning to that place"

"Alyssa you can't just leave"

"Cameron" she sighed. "I know we fight a lot. I know our marriage didn't last long. You were always there for me. I still can't believe after how many times we dated and those times we always fought we ended up marrying. I hope everything goes well with you and Leyuh. I'm sorry for everything I caused"

"Alyssa-" she interrupted me.

"Just promise me you'll forgive me?" She asked.

I nodded as I gave her a big hug.

"I don't want to lose you and the baby" I said.

"You won't. Promise me to that we'll be good friends?" She smiled while wiping her tears.

"Yeah. Of course. I want to be a good uncle to..." I said as I was waiting for an answer on the baby's name.

"If it's a girl. Analisia. If it's a boy. Alexander" she winked as she said Alexander.

"That's sweet" I smiled. "Come one let's go out somewhere for your last day here"

"Okay" she said grabbing her purse. "I'll pack later" she smiled as we walked downstairs and out the door to the car.

We got a bipolar relationship.
Are you guys happy that Alyssa is leaving?

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