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-Leyuh's Pov-

I ended up in Cameron's place. He gave me a tour of it and I've never seen his place with so much joy. I sat down on his couch as he sat beside me.

"So where's my dad?" I asked. "He is in Europe"

"Europe?" I said shocked.

"Yeah he told me he couldn't take the closest plane ride because of a storm"

I sighed. "I'm just glad I'm out"

"Yeah, tell me everything"

"From the beginning?" I sipped on my hot coco.

He nodded. "Just so everything can make sense"
"Wow" was all he answered.

"I never want to see him"

"Well you kinda have to"

"Why?" I shot up from the couch.

"You need to go to the police station. They called me saying tomorrow morning you need to go over there for some important information"

"No" I said. "I don't want to see him"

"I'll go with you. And I don't you will see him. You'll be fine. I'll be there by your side"

"Okay" I said as he pulled me into his arms. "Thank you. For everything"

He chuckled. "You're welcome"

Walking into the station made my emotions spin. I honestly can't express the feelings I was feeling because I don't know what I'm feeling.

What I do know is I'm prepared for whatever is about to happen.

I walked hand in hand with Cameron as one of the officers called my name.

"Sir, you can't come in" he told Cameron.

"What? Why?" Cameron let go of my hand.

"Private information. Can't come in"

"He's going to find out either way" I said.

"Private information" he repeated.

"I'll wait right here" Cameron said as I nodded. I felt very nervous. I didn't want to be by myself.

Fuck me.

I followed the officer into a room with a desk.

One desk and chair chairs facing opposite directions.

"Just sit right here while one of the detectives come in"

"Okay" I said as he walked out.

I felt very cold and very sweaty. Weird combination right?

I look around even though there wasn't much to look at.

I heard the door open once again as two detectives came in. I thought I would only see one.

"Hello Ms. Leyuh, how are you today?" One of them said.

"Fine, how about you?"

"Good. Thanks for asking" he smiled. "Well my name is Jefferson and this is my partner Dalton. We called you in here today because we have very important information to tell you. I'm glad you're sitting down because you may need to sit down for this one"

"Okay. I'm ready" I lied. I wasn't at all ready.

"Well for starters Christian Edman is not Christian Edman"

I glared. "What do you mean?"

"Christian ever told you his real name?"

"Yes Alicia Edman"

"His name was never Alicia Edman. His original name was Roslyn Alexis Rodner. Back then a women with a criminal record. The reason why he decided the name Christian was because of his father who tragically died along with his mother in a car accident"

"Oh my god" I said shocked.

"Wait and that's not all. We think he had something to do with it. His Step dad had many years of cheating on his wife and Chris's mother who was an alcohol abuser-"

"Wait" I cut them off. "How did you guys find all of this information over night?"

"We've investigated it before"

"Okay. Go on"

"Christian's real dad is Edward Edman. But he sadly died do to illness. So he lived with his Step Brother, David Guitte"

What the fuck.

"David? No you're wrong. That's his grandpa"

"No" Dalton answered. "Step brother"

Dalton continued saying the rest. "We think maybe there may have been embarrase involved"

"Back track, when Chris was 18 he got married to a women named Elizabeth who was 12 years older than him. They both dated for a year until she disappeared and eloped with another man named Jarred. 28 years old"

"Wait, Chris was married" I shook my head at everything I was hearing. Everything we have been through. Was it even real?

"Chris became a painter to cope with everything he was losing. He would paint women and have intimate relationships with each and one of them. Chris met a women named Tiya who soon worked for David. We took Tiya in and she told us that she had met Chris back in college and she needed a painting for her new apartment. So from there they became friends"

"Tiya" I whispered as I let them continue.

"We think we should end it for right now. I know you have to sink this all in. Come back tomorrow?"

"No" I answered. "Please continue. I want you to finish this. I want to end this now"

"Chris needs help. His life has been no good at all. We took Chris in for questioning and he spoke about you. He said 'you were always aware of him. He felt wanted for once and he's felt loved for once and he doesn't know how to thank you'"

"Yeah sure. Trying to hurt me was enough. That's not love"

"Chris is very aware of that. Anyways, as you can see from the rest. There isn't that much to the story now because that's when you came into his life"

"Did Chris love Tiya?" I asked. "I mean did Tiya or Chris tell you anything about that?"

"Tiya did mention...marriage. Tiya and Chris never confirmed about getting married but they were talking about the future and how both of them were going to be together forever. But like we said everything with their relationship ended because you came into his life. Which he is very grateful for"

"C-Can I see Chris?" I asked. Man this was pretty risky.

"No. We think it's best that both of you shouldn't see each other. But we can leave a note for him"

"It's fine. We I get the chance to see him I'll tell him in his face"

"Okay. Well that's it. We hope you have a great day. Drive safe" they both smiled opening the door for me.

I walked out seeing Cameron looking up and walking towards me.

"How'd it go?" He asked as I sighed.

"I have a lot to tell you. But please can we go to your house I really don't want to be here" I looked around my surroundings.

"Come on" he put his arm around my waist as we walked out of the police station.

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