Chapter 8 | Downers

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"Who do you think has the advantage here?" Chris asked me as we walked through one of the underground tunnels.

I watched my phone to make sure we were going the right way. There was a map on my screen, depicting the island. Last time we checked, the girls were headed towards the factory to camp out for the night. "Most people would assume the girls, because Rayne knows us well, but I'm not that foolish. They're easy to beat. Sonny and Mauro, they actually know how to fight and strategize."

"They also have to tote around my mother and I'd consider that a disadvantage." He grumbled.

I half ways smiled, "Really? I was under the impression that she a very lovely woman."

"Oh, yeah. I'm sure that's why all the boys in town all wanted to go out with her." Chris rolled his eyes, "Weird to think she's such a Christian but she sucked off every guy that had money."

"Some people think that if you have your ass in a pew every fucking week, it forgives all your sins. You think there'll ever be a day where people realize Christianity is a fucking farce?" I stopped walking once we had reached one of the exits. This one was the closest to the factory.

"As long as there's ignorance in the world, no." He replied.

Chris followed me up the ladder. I pushed the hatch open and climbed out. Ew, nature. That was the biggest downfall of using this island. There was so much dirt and bugs everywhere. I dusted off my jeans while I waited on him to catch up. He pushed the hatch down and locked it. Then kicked some leaves and shit over it. They don't know the combination to the hatches anyways, but we wanted to be safe.

I surveyed the landscape. The factory was close, no more than a five minute walk. From here, I could see a light had been turned on. They must be inside already. Chris settled beside me and watched the building as I had.

"How do you want to play this?" He asked.

"Old school slasher style. If they run, chase them a little, but give them a bit of a chance to get away. Don't kill Vanessa or Rayne if you catch them. We have to leave them to the fucking psycho. You can do whatever you want with Heather." I explained.

Chris glanced over at me. His eyes were barely visible under the pale moon light. "You do realize how hypocritical it is of you to call someone a fucking psycho, right?"

"When you think about it, which one of us sounds more like they belong in a white padded room?" I replied as I climbed over a big tree root, "The Ghost Murderer or the Bible Biter? Someone that tortures people or someone that eats people?"

He sighed, "Alright. You have a point. You're both fucking nut jobs though."

"One time you killed one of your girlfriend's for running late on dinner." I stated.

"Hey, hey. No. That was not the reason I killed her. It was just the breaking point. She and I had been fighting for weeks. I really tried to not kill her. I swear."

"Uh-huh," I smirked, "I believe you."

He sighed and shook his head. Chris got back at me his favorite way how. He caught up to me, since I had been walking a tad ahead. My thong was sticking out of my jeans a little. He hooked his finger under the strap and snapped it against my skin. It stung, obviously, but it wasn't like I was going to cry about it. I just shoved his arm a bit. He stumbled over to the side with a small laugh.

This didn't bother me in the least bit. It was just us messing around. Even when he bends me in half and fucks me until I pass out, it's just messing around. Ricky doesn't care as long as he gets to watch or be involved. I don't feel this guilt free messing around with Mike. There is a lust and history between us that I never had with Chris.

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