Chapter 37 | Satan's Miracle

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It was so nice to wake up next to Kuza again. Sure, these might not be the best circumstances, but we're together again. That's all that matters. He wrapped his arm around me and hugged me closer. I didn't bother with sleepy greetings and went straight to kissing him. It was as if these past two weeks hadn't happened.

My hand ran across his chest, feeling it smooth once again. I broke away from our kiss for a moment to look down. His skin was completely healed. It seemed Ryan was right on the money when he decided to use the power of Satan. I smiled and rejoined our lips. He was my Kuza again. There was so sadness in his eyes and he no longer shook like a flower in a tornado. He was back to my steady rock.

Kuza began to pull my leg over his hip. Then someone else grabbed my shoulder and yanked me back. I fell against my spot in the bed, glaring at Ryan.

"I respect you when I'm in your territory, even when you dry hump each other while I'm trying to eat my breakfast. This," He gestured around, "Is the one place I ask you return that respect and try to be celibate."

Kuza rolled his eyes playfully, "What are you going to do? Kick us out?"

"Yes, actually, I will. I don't like distractions from my work. If I do kick you out right now, they'll make you go back to that padded room. So, it's in your best interest to keep it in your pants." Ryan responded.

"You're such a scrooge." I grumbled. He gave me that 'you're pushing it' look. I pouted as I sat up, "I'll be good... But you know, this whole using the power of Satan thing to heal him worked. Nothing is more satanic than sex."

Ryan took a very deep sigh, "I can't say I don't understand the feeling of missing someone. Now, when I am away from my girlfriend for two weeks, I don't jump on her the second I see her, but that's where we differ. So, I'll make you a deal. You both need a shower pretty badly, especially Mike. As long as you keep quiet, you can go get it out of your system in there."

"Thank you." I smiled.

Kuza pulled himself to sit up slowly. Even though he's got a healed chest, I'm worried about how healthy he truly is. For all I know, he could collapse the second he stands up. "How long were we asleep?"

"You fell asleep at three yesterday. It's," He glanced back at his desk, where Reese was, "What time is it?"

"Six." She responded.

"So, twenty-seven hours. I was starting to think you two were dead." He said.

"Holy shit." Kuza groaned, "I didn't know it was possible to sleep that long."

Ryan walked around to his side of the bed. "I'm not much of an expert on Satanism, but I believe you both fell into a spiritual coma together. You fed off each other's energy until you were healed. There's no other way you would've healed that fast."

"Hm, finally Satan gets credit for a miracle." I muttered, to which Kuza laughed.

"How's your head?" Ryan asked him.

"Better. I don't feel like it's going to explode anymore." He replied, "Thank you for all your help. Now, about that shower..."

He sighed and gestured towards the corner of the room, "It's back there. Please try to be quiet and quick. Angelo was going to bring you some food down soon."

"I'm not quick and my queen isn't quiet. We'll try though."

I snaked my arm over his shoulder, smirking, "Queen?"

"Sorry, I meant Goddess." Kuza pecked my lips and growled, "Let's go find Heaven together."

He's too good for me. Ricky used to treat me that way but it's faded. Maybe, someday, this will fade too. I think all love is meant to end before life does. I'm not going to take it for granted that I found not one, but two people who have given me such love. Ever since that night about three weeks ago when we made love, I've been dying for his touch.

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