Dante X Reader

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"YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND, DANTE!"Y/N screamed at Dante, ripping her bloody arms away from the blue haired boy she called her best-friend.

"NOBODY DOES!"She contuined. Dante didn't speak, only stared at her in shock.

"Why don't you let me understand?"He asked. finally looking into her E/C eyes. She didn't look at him, the knife she clutched tightly in her hands were ripping into the skin of her palm.

"Because if you were to understand, you'd leave. You'd leave just like everyone else did. Why? Because I'm not you. I'm trapped. I'm going insane, the nightmares are controlling me. The voices won't shut up. My sanity is slowly decaying. You don't understand Dante, nobody evers does."Y/N softly said, tears pricking in her eyes.

Dante was silent, he couldn't say anything. He understood she struggled, they all did, but he'd never guess she struggled this badly.

Y/N pushed her H/C locks behind her ear then took one last look at Dante.

"Don't miss me to much."She said. Before Dante could react the knife she was clutching was swiped across her throat, slicing into her skin.

"Y/N!"Dante screamed, rushing to her now lifeless body. Tears streamed off his cheks as he held her, wishing he knew her better, wishing he understood her enough to help.


Now Dante stands there with his friends silently as the lowered the coffin into the dirt. Y/N was gone. Aphmau hugged Aaron in sadness, Kawii~Chan cried on Reece's shoulder. Katilyn wiped the tears from her eyes as she rested her head against Travis. Dante stood there with a single flower, the same flower he was given by Y/N the day before. He had run out of tears to cry, his heart broken into bits.

"Don't blame yourself, Dante."Garroth told him as they stood there.

"Yeah, it's not your fault. Nobody knew."Laurence agreed.

Dante sighed.

"I know, and that's what I blame myself for the most."

MCD X Reader! Sad One Shots~Where stories live. Discover now