Vlayd X Reader

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Y/N breathed in shakily, loose strands of her H/C locks fell in front of her head that was hung with guilt. She dropped the sword by her side, the clatter of it hitting the ground filling the silence. Y/N's eyes soon scanned the area of now slain bodies that were placed everywhere.
Tears welled in Y/N's E/C eyes. Her eyes darted to the left where Aaron layed, his face buried in the snow, the sword sticking through his chest like a spear. She then looked over at the tree, Laurance hung from the branch, blood dripping from his corpse, a scarlet red puddle forming underneath him.
Y/N's eyes then slowly turned to Vlayd. His body was soaked in blood, his clothing ripped and torn, his body bruised and cut from the amount of times her sword pierced him.
Tears were now rolling down Y/N's cheeks. Before she knew it, she was on her knees bawling her eyes out. These people were her family. They helped her, they took her in, they brought light back into her life once again. What did she do?
She killed them. She tore through the skin, watching their life fade away before her very eyes. She slaughter them, murdered them.
She did this to the only people that saw the good in her.
Y/N was not a good person. Yet despite her past, her flaws and her denial, they helped make her whole again.
This was Y/N's fault.
She caused this.
Y/N wrapped her fingers around the only thing she had left in memory of them, the locket they had given her when Y/N first became a guard in celebration. Tears continued to stream down Y/N's cheeks as she cried. She soon let out a scream. A scream of pain. A scream of anger. A scream of remorse.
"I-I-I'm s-so so-sorry..." Y/N whispered to the silence.
Y/N shut her eyes tightly, silently praying that this was all a dream. But when she opened them again, everything was exactly the same.
They were all still dead.
Y/N was still a murder.
And the once lively village that was filled with life was now burnt to the ground.
Y/N's ears rung with the screams she had heard. She remembered it so clearly. They were screams of fear, of anxiety, of horror. They each had the exact same look of horror in their eyes as she killed them, taking their last breath from every single person she once called family.

Y/N did this.
Y/N did all of this.

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