Travis X Reader~

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"P-Please, stay a-awake for m-me!"Travis whimpered, stuttering as he spoke. Y/N gave him a weak smile, nuzzling into his chest.

"It's okay..."She whispered, her eyes slowly drooping. Travis shook her lightly, trying to find a way to distract her as Dante rushed to get the others. 

"Y-Your gonna make i-it!"Travis said, rocking her lightly. Y/N slowly pressed her hand against his cheek, wiping away the tears that streamed down his cheeks with her thumb.

"Your gonna be okay..."Y/N continued, letting out a light chuckle. 

"We're gonna be okay."Travis told her, silently praying that his words would be true. 

"Sing to me. Sing that song you sung when we were little.."Y/N asked. Travis nodded, pushing a loose strand of her H/C hair out of her beautiful face. 

Travis didn't understand. Sure, she wasn't a super model, she couldn't make boys drop dead by looking at them, but to him, she was perfect. He loved everything about her, her shiny E/C eyes, the way she could pull of any outfit, her laugh, and don't even get him started on her personality. To Travis, Y/N was his whole world. Everyone knew that, it was quite obvious. But yet here she lied, her head resting on Travis' lap. Travis took a deep breath, but softly began singing to his loved one.

"You are my sunshine,

My only sunshine.

You make happy,

On days of gray.

You'll never know dear,

how much I love.

P-Please don't take... My sunshine... 


Travis soon broke down, reality hitting him square in the face. He couldn't bare it. He didn't want to lose her, he just couldn't. She was his whole world. Without her, Travis was nothing.

"I love you..."Y/N smiled, her eyes fluttering shut and her hand going limp.

"Y-Y/N? Y/N!"Travis cried, tears rushing down his cheeks faster now. "Y/N, I love you, baby, d-don't go... Please, I-I'm begging you..."

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