Garroth X Reader

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"I-I..."Y/N couldn't speak. 

"It's okay."Garroth whispered soothingly, wrapping his arms around her as Y/N burst into tears.

"No it's not! Y-You should be mad! O-Or hurt! I-I-I broke our promise!"She argued, tears rolling off her cheeks and onto his lap.

"Am I mad? No. Hurt? Yes, but no mad. Y/N, I love you. I'm disappointed, but I'm not mad."He replied, snuggling closer to her. 

Y/N's H/C hair was messy and untamed, but Garroth didn't mind. He was glad he found her when he did, because if he didn't, things could've been a lot worse. 

Once Y/N's crying died down, and she was sat in his arms silently, Garroth staring singing softly to her. (I WROTE THESE LYRICS SO DON'T MIND IT. MAKE A TUNE I GUESS, OR I CAN SING IT, IDK)

"You Laugh Because you have too.

And you smile even though it's fake.

And when they ask,

'What are those marks?'

You brush it off and say your okay.

Cause oh,

They can't know.

And oh,

You just won't tell.

But it's 3 in the morning,

The knife is in your hand.

Tears are streaming down your cheeks,

As you tell yourself:


They can't know.

But oh,

I can't do it anymore..

But hey,

It's okay.

I know your afraid,

But I'm here to stay.

And oh,

I'll love you darling,

Till the sea stops flowing,

And the sun stops shining.

So please,

Put down that knife,

I know your hurting right?

You can't do it no more.

You don't want them to know.

But oh,

I'll be here,

through it all.

So before,

You whisper goodbye,

Just know,

I'll love you till death due as part,

And time forever stops.

So please,

Oh my baby,

Just let me help you breathe."

Y/n's soft snores soon were the only noise in that room. Garroth let out a relived sigh. But one thought popped into his mind.

He was quick enough this time, but he may not be the next.

With a soft kiss to Y/N's forehead, Garroth placed her in the bed that rested against the wall.

"I'll help you Y/N."He told her softly. "I promise I will."

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