Laurance X Reader

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Okay! This one shot is going to be a bit different, and confusing. Let me explain:

When I write like this You are in a memory.

And when I'm writing in this font You are in the present.

Is that helpful? I hope so. There will also be a author's note at the end. That is all.

I'll never forget the day I met you. How can I? We were so young, so innocent.

The day was warm, and I was around the age of four. Times had been tough, my parents had just split up so I walked beside my Mother into a park that was nearby. Nobody really said a word, it was just exchanged silence. Silence that I couldn't change.

You were sat in the sand pit, a focused expression as you shoved all the sand together so it created a base before trying to create a small castle. Your bright green eyes looked up and locked with mine. It was a silent invitation, but it was one I accepted. I marched over into the sand pit before sitting in front of you, watching as you continued with your creation.

"Hi." I spoke, still watching. "I'm Y/N."

You froze for a second, not really knowing what to say.

"Laurance." You said after a moment. "My name's Laurance."

I smiled, pushing over some sand to help you build your castle in the sand. You nodded at my help, silently thanking me.

Our friendship was awkward at first, but it soon blossomed into a great friendship, and before we knew it, we were stuck by eachother's side. As days past, our friendship grew. Time flew by, and soon we were in highschool.

"Laurance!" I called, rushing over to find you sitting against the wall. You had your arms wrapped around your knees, and your head shoved into your lap.

"I tried, Y/N. I really did." You said softly, your voice weak and broken. I frowned, running my fingers through your hair softly.

"You did." I agreed. "But she wasn't the one for you, Laurance."

"Then who is? I thought we were perfect. We never fought, I did everything to make her happy? How could she? Why did she?" You asked me. Your voice started shaking, and tears ran down your cheeks once more.

"Can I be the one?" I asked, sitting next to you. You looked over at me in confusion.

"What do you mean, Y/N?" Your question made me want to throw you out a window. How were you this obvious?

"I mean, Laurance, can I be your happy ever after?"

After that question, a friendship turned into a thriving relationship, and I was never happier than when I was by your side, with your lips attached to mine. We fought yes, but that was normal. A few disagreements here and there, but we were always happy in the end. Once we finished highschool we bought a house together, enjoying eachother's company while it lasted.

"Laurance!" I laughed, swatting your hands away as you tickled me mischievously. You laughed with me, finally stopping and flopping down on the bed by my side.

"I love you Y/N." You smiled. I rolled my eyes.

"Shut up and kiss me, you doof." I chuckled.

And that's what you did.

You attached your lips on mine, crawling on top of me as the kiss deepened. All that was heard were soft moans as my hand reached down your pants. We broke away for a moment, only to gasp for air before quickly pressing our lips together once again. Those nights were pure bliss.

Soon you popped the big question, and of course I said yes. I happily married the love of my life, and I've never regretted it. I became Y/N Zvahl. I honestly don't think I've cried as much as the day I said 'I do' to you.

Years passed, so soon we had two adorable little Zvahls to go along with it. A boy and a girl, named Violet and Gerard. (You can change the names if you like, I just felt like picking two.) Those two were our world. 

"Daddy! Daddy Daddy!" Violet squealed, running down the hallway followed by Gerard.

"Hey darling!" You grinned, swooping her off the ground. You picked Gerard up as well, hugging to the two as if they would disappear if you let go. I couldn't help but smile.

"Hi Babe." I said, walking over before planting a kiss on your cheek. You put the two down, watching in amusement as they took off running down the hall once again.

"I can't wait to watch them grow up." You said again, wrapping your arms around me. I nodded.

"Neither can I."

We watched those two develop and mature, hearing their first words, watching their first steps. We changed, fed and played with these two. You chased them around after bath time trying to dry them, you chased them down the street while they were nude, you showed them places we went to as children. You loved these two dearly, and you never stopped loving them.

So as you walked your only daughter down that aisle, I don't think I had been any prouder. We created and raised this family of ours. After so many years of fantasizing what it would be like, we did it. I couldn't help but let a few tears run down my cheeks as I turned to you, your arms wrapped around me and my hands on your neck.

"We did it." I whispered to you.

"We did." You whispered back.


Hi, sorry for disappearing off the face of the earth for nearly a month. It's been a wild ride. BUT! Happy late Christmas, AND HAPPY 2017!!

I'm super glad 2016 is over, because we can all agree that it was a horrible year. Like, really bad. But I'm back! And I gave this oneshot a happy ending! Whoo! I like it. Did you like it? I really hope so. I'll be updating a bit, so I hope you don't mind the spam. School's back on in over a week, so that'll be fun. Anyways, that's all really.



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