Chapter Four

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(Sorry I am jumping a bit, because I wanna mainly focus on Louis' ultrasounds and baby things as such, so they haven't written to each other for a while, because Louis is in hospital and Liam and his gang had another open bombing and had to go into fight. Louis is now three months pregnant)

(Letter Four,
Louis is three months pregnant)

Louis was laying on his couch, trying to stop the sweat from falling down his face; wearing nothing but a singlet and a pair of lose pajama shorts. The weather was definitely bipolar, one moment it was hot and the next it was freezing. Not only was that Louis' problem but he was having bad heat flushes, causing him to be even more uncomfortable then he already was, but luckily Liam had installed a air conditioner before he left so Louis had a little bit of comfort. 

Zayn placed a tall glass on the table beside Louis, filled to the top with a slushie. Niall and Zayn were trying to help Louis feel a little bit more comfortable. The older lad had his laptop perched on his knees, sweat beads on his forehead, and his lips parted slightly as he read over some important information, not even realizing Zayn was beside him or even present in the room with him.

He had his white singlet pulled up revealing his pudgy tummy and one arm was draped over his abdomen protectively like somebody was going to come and take their baby away, or if he didn't hold his belly he might just lose his baby from neglect.

Zayn slowly rested the cool wet face cloth over the older males forehead, luckily Louis didn't really react to the sudden touching, he had been pushing the other boys away since he had gotten out of hospital two weeks ago and they had forbidden him from hiding in a room without them. They had been staying at Louis and Liam's house making sure he was getting proper amounts of sleep and wasn't spending hours on the internet like had been for the few days before, but they didn't really mind, because Louis would be crawling back within hours for a cuddle when he had his meltdown about Liam being so far away, and Niall and Zayn are left reassuring him until he falls asleep.

"I don't like this weather Zayn" Louis sighed closing his eyes for a few extra seconds to let the cool water run down the side of his skull.

"We don't like it much either Lou," Niall added as he wandered into the room slowly, his cheeks slightly pinkened, and his hair all messy and stuck under a snapback.

"Did you get a letter from Harry?" Louis asked, tilting his head back to get a better look at the two other boys in his living room.

"Yeah I did, but he didn't write much, apparently he's spent the whole week in the hospital wing for a broken ankle. Maybe Harry will be coming home sooner then I thought." Niall grinned, trying to turn the air conditioner down to get the air to pump around the small home better.

"What? That's so unfair!" Louis protested throwing his hands in the air, sitting up abruptly and turning his glare towards Niall.

"Lou, Liam is okay, he can keep fighting, Harry is broken he can't," Niall tried to explain, making sure he didn't get to close to the other lad who was now trying not to throw a tantrum.

"I just want Liam back" he cried, burying his head into the cushion, and rubbing his sore belly, tears rolling down his sweaty cheeks and his anger becoming nothing more then tears, tears and more tears.

Niall sighed, gingerly moving over to rub Louis' back gently, playing with his hair and trying not to think about the fact that Harry would be returning without Liam. He knew if he could he would bring him home, safe and sound to Louis' bone crushing arms, but that wasn't the problem right now, it was Louis' hot flusters and hormones.

Louis sat up, wrapping his arms tightly around Niall and letting the room fill up with his sad sobs, it even made Niall emotional whenever he heard Louis cry, it was the worst thing in the world, a crying Louis -they hardly saw his smile anymore, only when he went to the clinic or when he received letters, but Louis was never bouncing around the house, pulling pranks, slipping over, giggling, snorting, making dirty minded jokes. He sat on the couch, floor or outside on his pool deck chair and stared around the place, like he had so much on his mind, so much stuck in his head that he felt he couldn't express to somebody else who might be able to help him. He was stuck living in his own nightmare, trying to live his life as a normal person, trying not to get to worked up about Liam being gone. He always repeated the same thing over and over. Baby, Baby,Baby. 'I'm doing this for the baby'

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