Chapter Six

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(Letter 6,
Four months and three days pregnant)

Louis wandered into his classroom; Niall, Harry and Zayn following behind him.
 You see today Louis was taking his class to the children’s festival that was being held and he was actually fairly excited to be completely honest. He just liked to see the smiles plastered on the children's faces when they got their faces painted, got to play in the sand, or play on the slides, and Louis couldn't wait to have his own son or daughter to take out and about.

He was bringing Niall and Zayn so they would be able to help keep an eye on the twenty five children Louis had in his class, and even though Harry was on crutches he insisted that he went as well.
But Louis didn't really care because today he was in one of his amazing moods, and for once he was genuinely smiling and grinning; it had been so long since Niall and Zayn had seen him like this.

Louis helped his class onto the small bus, got them into their seats and made sure they had their seatbelts done up before he took his spot beside Zayn. He tried his best not to pay to much attention to how lovey-dovey Niall and Harry were being. In he end he fell asleep on Zayn's shoulder playing Liam's recorded message over and over again.

It took them an hour to get to their destination, and by the time they did Louis was dying to wee, so he managed to get the kids off the bus before he went to the bathroom. He was also thirsty, sleepy and clingy, but other than that he was giddy and ready to watch the happy children.

They split the children up into groups and started wandering around the place; Louis had been left with Emily, the girl who was blind, but he didn't mind. He took hold of her hands and guided her around the park, and at some point Harry had taken a picture and was planning on getting it printed out, so he could send it to Liam when Louis wrote to him next.

When the day was finally over Niall didn't know who was more tired: Louis or the kids. Either way Louis needed to sleep before he fell over or got grumpy, so the other three managed to load the class back up onto the bus. They found Louis hiding in a cafe drinking a milkshake with a cheeky smirk on his face; to Niall, that was the cutest thing ever.

"Come on cheeky, we’re gonna head back to school and drop these kids off. Then we’ll get you home for a nap, you look knackered." Niall sighed, helping Louis stand up and walk down the stairs - not that Louis was in the need of help. He was actually quite small for somebody who was four months  pregnant, and his doctor had said that was normal due to the fact that Louis was small anyway, so his baby was most likely going to be tiny too.

Louis plopped down in his seat and spread out across it, his legs hanging off the edge as he typed away on his phone, messaging his sisters who had only just found out about his pregnancy.

From Lottie :)))) : 'Do you know what you are having yet? I think that was the best news I have ever come home too :D'

To Lottie :)))) : 'Not yet sis, but hopefully soon, I'm planning to come visit whenever I’m not too busy!  Maybe this weekend, how's that sound xx?'

From Lottie :)))) :'I haven't seen you in ages, can you move back to Doncaster, it would be easier for us to see you more that way'

To Lottie :)))) : 'It's better if I stay in Wolverhampton Lots, I have work and everything here, but you have given me all the more reason to come visit. I will, I promise. Well, I need to have a sleep before I pass out. I am literally starving; do you know how hungry I get now? & I have so much sugar, I'll see you soon, love you Lots :) xx'

He switched his phone off and found his iPod, stuck his headphones in his ears and managed to fall asleep listening to the sweet sound of Coldplay and the Plain White T's. To Louis, it made the hour zoom past quite quickly. Zayn took lots of pictures of Louis sleeping and posted them on Facebook, and a lot of the older students who found Louis the 'best looking' teacher at school could see them when they stalked his profile. They did it all the time, and because Louis had rubbish privacy settings, they sometimes would even comment on his posts.

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