Chapter Fourteen

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(Letter Eleven, 8 Months Pregnant)

Louis was walking slowly down the hallway of the large school, rubbing his balled up fists against his eyelids. He wasn't meant to be walking this much, because last month after his Skype call with Liam he spent a week in hospital screaming the place down because Jace had gotten himself stuck and Dr Amber had to practically shake Louis' belly until Jace moved and all Louis knew was the pain was unbearably sore.

He waddled down to the drama room based on the second floor of the school, both his arms wrapped under his active bump as he breathes through his nose and lightly taps on the red wooden door, Louis couldn't quite remember the last time he was in this room but it was quite a while ago.

Mr Even opened the door and his face lit up, he was always one of the teachers that kept to themselves throughout the time Louis teach there but for some reason he got along quite well with Louis. He's two years younger than Louis with large round red glasses and a nerdy grin, Louis was utterly surprised he was teaching a drama class when he's actually a math and science freak.

"Louis, what an honour, this school hasn't been the same without you, I had no idea you were returning" he grinned stepping aside to let Louis in, the whole classes eyes falling on the dramatic drama teacher they missed dearly. Louis waved happily, managing to crawl up onto the counter and knocked Mr Even's mug and salad container onto the floor, his swayed his legs letting them smack into the wooden table.

"I'm not coming back unfortunately, just here to pick up a few things I've forgotten." Louis sighed struggling to lean back to hold his balance. His ran his eyes around the class, most of the students knew who he was, there was a few new ones but there was no doubt they had bumped into him in the hallway once or twice. He smiled brightly slipping into the chair one of the male students offered him and got himself seated comfortable. He was only meant to be here for five minutes tops.

He grimaced slightly when Jace chucked a fierce kick into his lower abdomen, but he refrained himself from doubling over, Dr Amber had informed the four not to stress about it to much because most of the time it's Braxton Hicks working away to assure Louis' body is prepared for the next month. He rested his hand against the tingling area and stood up, trying to walk off the lingering pain. He stood on his tiptoes to reach the large duffel bag filled of Drama props he'd brought over the two years he'd teach there. He took a moment to lean against the cupboard and regain his rapid breathing, Jace wasn't co operating with Louis right now and he didn't won't anybody thinking he needed a doctor because really he was just having severe Braxton Hicks and Jace was they cheeky type to throw boomingly large kicks to just make sure Louis really knew he was there.

Mr Even startled the older lad slightly, causing him to blush when he got caught in the strap of a bag, almost tripping over, he swiped his fringe to the side and puffed out his cheeks. He placed the bag by the door and took his phone out of his pocket for a moment to make it look like he was doing something instead of trying to let Jace settle.

"Mr Tomlinson" A girl called, catching the teachers attention because he knew that voice and he wasn't rude enough to ignore her.

"Yes" He said, dragging the s out as he searched the room for the unknown person, she blushed slightly when Louis' eyes fall on her because most of the girls thought Louis was a utter spunk and had all tried the flirting game with him even though he's a teacher and married.

"When are you due?" She asked, her cheeks going pinker when Louis smiled politely in her direction, raising his eyebrows slightly as he proceeded her question, (it was a habit he'd gotten into through his years of teaching). He expected a few he wasn't going to lie, most of the time the girls ask the questions anyway.

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