Chapter Twenty Three

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Chapter Twenty Three

(Jace is Three Months & Four Days)

Louis was pushing his trolley through the overly packed shopping centre, Jace sitting in the small seat at the front kicking his little legs into the hard red plastic and gripping onto the edge of a toy Louis kept on his car keys, a trail of drool was leaking from his bottom lip, and his tiny fingers were covered in his own saliva after the many times he'd stuck them in his mouth.

Louis shifted slightly away from his shopping trolley to decide on which loaf of bread he'd prefer now and when he turned back he found a young teenage girl with her hair flopped hallway over her face. She had her head resting above Jace and was making the baby smile, Louis was waiting for the moment he erupted into fits of giggles, he couldn't wait for that moment.

"Your son is gorgeous." She smiled, as Jace took a handful of her hair and tugged on it eagerly and Louis was horrified, trying to unlatch his son's fingers. He laughed nervously "Sorry" he quickly spoke, managing to unlink Jace's hands "his obsession with hair is becoming an issue" he smiled, trying to lighten the mood quickly.

"It's cool. How old is he?" She asked, and Louis took a moment to take in the girls appearance, a black shirt with fake blood splatter in the middle, a pair of dark jeans torn at the knees, and her hair was a deep purple, and he remembered the friend he use to have like her.

"Three and a half months" he replied, flicking his fringe out of his eyes tiredly. It was this habit he'd gotten into, even when his fringe was tucked into a beanie, he would swipe his fingers along his eyebrow line to make sure his fringe didn't slip any further.

"Babies really brighten my day, I had a baby sister" she said, hooking her backpack further onto her shoulder as she gently held Jace's tiny feet, and Louis' smile nearly slipped at the mention of 'had' he may of been overacting and really hoped she don't start crying on him. He didn't want to come off rude, but this had all happened before and it makes Louis feel guilty sometimes.

"Jace brightens my day, most days" Louis chuckled, engulfing his hand over his songs belly as he tossed his fists around happily, letting out small grunts and gurgles.

"Babies are amazing, I can't wait to have my own" she smiled giving Jace a quick wave before she wandered off and Louis was hoping she wasn't considering a baby at such an age, it wasn't any of his responsibly or business, but he always got slightly concerned being a teacher and a parent.

"You're a gorgeous baby aren't you? I agree" he cooed now slowly pushing the trolley back down the row, trying to avoid many of the people who were nearly smacking into his baby and trolley.

Just as Louis was pulling up at the check out, Liam video called and Louis found it funny and absolutely adorable because the younger lad did it when he wanted to see Jace and Louis. Louis was smiling happily into the camera of the phone as he started placing his items onto the small belt, the happy girl scanning them nearly as quick as Louis was removing them from his trolley.

"Yeah, I like just staring at your chin Louis" Liam spoke, his voice loudly producing out of the speakers, and Louis is rolling his eyes because he is unbelievable sometimes.

"Well Payne, I am trying to buy your coffee and travel mug because you find that sort of stuff 'important'" Louis replied, and he could hear Liam scoffing.

"Well if we are going to be driving to Edinburgh then we do need travel mugs"

"What on earth needs us in Edinburgh?" Louis asked, furrowing his brows slightly as Jace became somewhat restless in his seat.

War Front Letters (Lilo Mpreg AU) -Watty Award Winner-Where stories live. Discover now