Chapter Fifteen

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(Nine Months, April 9th Date Liam Is Coming Home.)

Louis was grinning like a madman as he wandered slowly through the packed airport, his feet shuffling and puffing up in his vans he forced onto his feet to make himself look decent. He had his hair styled to the side, a decent shirt that was buttoned down the front and a pair or deep blue pants that looked slightly to big for him.

Niall and Harry had come along to make sure Louis didn't fall over or injure himself in the process whilst Liam was walking through customs or something rather. Niall was internally expressing his excitement only because Louis was so excited and he didn't won't to spoil anything the older lad was enjoying.  Louis had one headphone in listening to his relaxation music he'd been recommend not that it was doing much to help him, he wasn't to sure if anything would, He was getting his husband home within the next hour and he was buzzing. 

The area the lads had to wait for Liam was at the far end of the airport, and Harry was so tempted to call for emergency to help get Louis down to the other end, he'd been watching the older males legs puff up larger and larger the further they walked and he was so worried Louis would end up collapsing from the pain and stiffness and ending up in the ER with bleeding.

Louis turned towards Harry the smile on his face was so wide his cheeks were hurting and he was so close to crying from how giddy he was currently. He gripped onto Niall's arm tightly and let out some form of squeal as they neared the end of the airport he had set his alarm and had the plane times so he knew the exact time Liam was landing in London, you'd call him a stalker but the lad was just so happy he was about to explored.

Niall helped Louis down into the low chair, tucking the lads jumper around his cold arms despite how many time he'd protested about putting it on. He sat down quietly staring at Louis' frantic eyes as he scanned the airport, Niall was pretty certain the smile on Louis' face could brighten up the whole entire world, especially when you don't see it as often as they use to, this smile was genuine, crinkles at the edges of his eyes and all, he was sure Liam's heart was going to explode when he saw him.

He watched the older lad rest his arms over his belly, the baggy jumper hiding the larger bump from the lot. It was kind of weird how perfect the bump made Louis look, how much more of a glow he had when something exciting in his life happened. Zayn was pretty convinced if Louis wasn't pregnant they probably wouldn't have him around right now, and they all feared that if something happened to Liam and Jace within this time Louis would probably kill himself and they hated the thought of it happening, but they knew it would be something he'd fulfill, when Louis says something he usually goes through with it, pranking or not.

Louis turned to face Niall curving his lips up and shifting his body weight slightly, his gloved hands still resting on the biggest part of his body.

"only four days to go you know, and we'll both get to hold him, cuddle him, dress him up in cute little outfits, show him off to the world, and Liam will get to be apart of it, because in around half an hour he'll be walking through this airport, and I think I might cry, Niall. fuck. He's gonna be home in an hour." Louis cried, resting his hands against his eyes to prevent people from seeing him in such a state. He let out a shaky breath and dabbed his eyes dry quickly before turning back to Niall his genuine smile back. He was giddy and bright, like the old Louis was returning, he had crinkles and little lines around his mouth from smiling for so long.

Louis turned his bright smile towards Harry who was wandering across the airport juggling two coffees and a milkshake in his arms, a slight frown on his brows as he study the drink cups, he wasn't willing to trundle back all that way and buy himself another coffee, plus he used his own money, he wouldn't be to pleased if he dropped them all now. Niall stood up to help his boyfriend and gently managed to remove the coffee cup Harry had wedged between his elbow and ribs, giving the lad room to hold the two other cups in his hands with some more of an ease. He puffed out his cheeks and passed Louis his double shot of mint chocolate milkshake he paid extra for because he knew how much the older lad enjoy them. He dropped his body down into the tiny chair his lanky legs struggling to find a comfortable position.

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