Chapter Nineteen

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Chapter Nineteen

(Jace has been home for just over two weeks :))

Louis was laying on the couch, a pair or red glasses over his eyes and a beanie protecting his messy hair. He had Jace pressed into his neck fast asleep with small handfuls of the soft blanket Louis had perched on his shoulder scrunched until he tiny fists. His little feet were cushioned by Louis' pillow and his bum was being supported by his father's hand, the other stroking his soft hair tenderly.

Louis had become somewhat possessive of Jace since the car incident and but to top it all off two days later Jace had to have needles and check ups and Louis had never heard his son scream as loud as he did and he hoped he would never have to be apart of something like that again, within the time Jace was having his needles Louis nearly had a panic attack and his mother had to step him out of the room because Louis was getting more distraught than Jace was and as soon as he got his son back he held him so tightly and protectively he hasn't let anybody hold him since.

He had finally gotten himself into a comfortable position, a heavy sigh on his lips as he stared sadly at the blank television. He ran his hand over his nose before he sniffled tiredly and pulled the small purple cotton blanket up so it was resting over his chilled body as well as Jace's. He tilted his head slightly running his thumb along his son's petite and fragile head forcing his eyes closed to prevent himself from crying, his bottom lip quivering eagerly.

Jay peered her head around the door before sighing sadly. She plopped herself down beside Louis, running her fingers through the slight bit of fringe that had fallen from his beanie. He leaned into his mother's touch and tried to stop the quiver of his lips, forcing his eyes closed more before the sob racked through his body, he peered his eyes open to stare up at his mother helplessly as the tears flooded his face, falling down his cheeks and leaving red long stains, his red glasses beginning to fog up causing him to peel his eyes closed again, sobs still erupting his sore throat.

"I-it must be a joke ma, it must be a j-joke" he cried shaking his head repeatedly as he muttered his words again. He felt his mother gently removing his glasses and pulling him closer slightly, and this was when Louis shifted his son tiredly, the tiny baby getting ready to protest against the matter by balling up his fists.

"I know Lou, I know, I hope it's a joke too. I phoned Zayn for you and he is going to come over soon, do you want me to message Harry and Niall for you too?" She asked sighing heavily when Louis blinked a few more times than usual causing it to create heavier tear stains to flood down his slim face.

'"C-can you just g-get me my p-phone please" he hiccuped shifting from the embrace to place his half asleep son in the portable crib at the edge of the couch. He shakily ran the back of his hand over his sore eyes before making sure Jace's blanket was secure around his small body, a quiver coming back to his lips again.

He shifted back to lay against the couch his eyes staring across at the family portraits his mother had lined along her walls. He pinched his nose before pulling the cotton blanket back up over his chest securing his arms under the warmth before he pressed his hands to his face, trying to pinch his skin to wake himself from this nightmare he was having to live, he didn't want to live like this anymore, not knowing where on earth his husband was or what he was doing, how'd he gotten there or whether or not he was injured and crying for help, because Louis wasn't magic like that he couldn't figure it out, and sometimes he questions if he really wants to know. But now, now he felt torn at the seam, a seam he'd had to stitch many times before, now in Louis' eyes it wasn't worth it anymore.

He felt his mother's present again and that was when he curled his arms around his face, shaking his head again, this time in attempting to make his believes come back. Louis didn't ever want to consider that his husband might not ever come home, the fact that he would be living a life with a baby who would grow up not knowing his other half, and Louis dreaded the day he will grow up and asked, 'why don't I have another parent like my friends do?'. Louis had his fingers crossed the information he had received was false, a big mask for a plan Liam had to surprise Louis with, but then again at the edge of Louis' aching mind, he knew. He knew there was this chance Liam might not ever show up again.

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