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To my dearest Eden,

If you are reading this then you have been gone longer than I hoped, although I am writing this with you in your crib right beside me you will be gone soon, off on a big adventure with aunty Bekah and Kat. I know they will teach you everything a girl needs to know and more, after all they are two of the most, high maintenance, fiercest women I know.

There won't be a day that goes by where your father and I will not think about you after all you are our Eden, our paradise in this crazy world.

I know it may not make sense as to why your father and I had to send you away, well to put it this way your father and I have been far from saints in our past and because of that we have many enemies, enemies that seek to use you to destroy our family, but know that we are doing everything in our power to bring you back home this I swear to you.

It pains me to think that I might never see your first smile, first laugh, first words even first steps, but knowing you are safe will get me through, imagining your blue eyes that are Identical to your fathers will help me go on.

So until it is safe I need you to be strong my darling, I know you can do that for you have both blood Mikaelson and Petrova blood running through your veins, not only will you have the famous Petrova fire but you will have the strength of a Mikaelson and a Mikaelson never loses.

Be good for Rebekah and Katherina but not too good my love and Just know my beautiful wildflower I will have you back in my arms where you belong one day

Never forget your I love you Eden,

You're Mother Thyra Mikaelson.

"Your mother didn't want you to hear this just yet but I'll read it to you every night so you never forget her, now close your eyes and dream of home" Rebekah whispered as she bent down into the crib and kissed Eden's head as she drifted off to sleep.

Rebekah placed the letter next to the many bedtime stories that sat on a shelf in the beautiful nursery for it would be Eden's new bedtime story of sorts, as Rebekah would make sure, that Thyra even in her absence would always be a part of her daughter's life.









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