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There's a crash and Brendon appears. He falls to his knees and bursts into tears.

"Brendon?"I ask worriedly. I've never seen him so torn up. 

"Houdini. . ." He looks up at me. 

"Houdini?" I frown. 

"Patrick's dog. . . He's gone." Brendon wipes his eyes. 

"I'm sorry Brenny," I whisper, knowing it may sound stupid crying over a dog but dogs are more than dogs. They're your best friend and will always be there for you. 

"Why can't we dream about each other more often?" He asks quietly and I shrug, "GODDAMN IT!" He suddenly screams and slams his fists on the barrier.

"Brendon stop! You're scaring me!" I whimper and he looks at me. I've never seen so much pain and grief in someone's eyes and it scares me a little. 

"It's not just Houdini, is it?" I ask quietly and he shakes his head. 

"My mother. . . It's her anniversary of her death today." He looks at the floor as he says this.

"Oh Brenny," I walk towards him and reach my hand out to run it through his hair comfortingly. I gasp as my fingers slide through his chocolately hair and he looks up at me through tear filled eyes. 

I fall to my knees and pull him onto my lap, hugging him tightly to me and rocking him slowly. His sobs are heartbreaking and I've never seem someone care so much for their family.  

"I'll keep you safe, I promise" I whisper then kiss the side of his head.

That's when it hits me. it hits me like a ton of bricks. I love him. I am in love with Brendon. . . 

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