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             "Patrick!" I'm violently shaken awake. I can tell it's Frank and sit up, scared something's happened to Gerard.

"What? What is it?" I ask, worry lacing my voice, as Frank drags me to Max's room. I stumble a couple of times as Frank takes the stairs two at a time and not letting my arm go.

       Once inside the room Gerard's gentle hands take mine and he guides me to a chair while I can hear Max tapping speedily on the laptop.

"What's happened Gee?" I ask the boy, still trying to blink away the remains of sleep.

"Max found an email that is some sort of escape plan. It's from a guy called Andy Hurley ot something." Steve fills me on what I've missed.


"You know him?" I ask.

"He served in the same battalion as me. One day him and Ray disappeared, along with another three soldiers and one of the nurses."  Gee explains.

"What was the nurse's name?" Frank asks, leaning over to look at the screen.

"Lyn-Z Ballato. I think."

"That's her alright." Steve nods.

"Gimme a sec." Max types something which is followed by him cursing, "And we're in."

"You've hacked?"

"Yeah," Max pauses, "What can we say without anyone understanding except them. . . " Gerard shoves Max aside and I remember him telling us they had code names in their battalion.

"I was Poison and Andy was Revolver. Lyn-Z was part of it and she was Blood."

"What'd you put Gee?" I ask.

"This is Poison and we're in. Give time and date and we'll be there to help. Is Jet there as well? Reply ASAP Blood and Revolver." Steve reads out, "What?" He frowns.

"They'll understand. Send it" I reassure Max and Steve so Max sends.

"What now?" Frank asks.

"Now? Now we wait." Max says and we all sigh.

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