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 My heart pounds in my chest as an email arrives. We're doing it today. We're going to get Brendon back and Dallon. I glance at Patrick who smiles at me then at Frank who has a worried look etched on his face.

Dear Poison,

   We'll wait for lunch and when the alarms go off meet us in the woods round the back of the building. We'll be there as fast as we can but whatever you do don't leave the woods. The woods are forbidden to pass through and be careful of the guard "dog".

Yours truly, Revolver

"What do we do Gee?" Patrick asks, breaking the tense silence.

"We wait in the forbidden forest."  I sign and the others are silent, waiting for instructions. "Patrick, you stay with Steve here and Frank, Max and I will wait in the forest."

"Gerard -" I place a finger to Patrick's lips to shut him up and he sighs, nodding, "Fine."


"You ready?" Max asks me and I nod. "Frank?"

Frank gulps so I slip my hand into his and he smiles, nodding, "Let's go."

The temperature drops sharply as we enter the forest and I can feel the fear radiating off of Frank as we slowly and cautiously take small steps to avoid any noise.

"Do you know what the guard looks like?" Frank whispers, his voice shaking slightly and Max glances at me.

"A wolf." Is all Max says, not wanting to scare Frank anymore.

   A howl echoes through the woods, becoming almost disembodied by the amount of echoes. Frank whimpers and I clasp a hand over his mouth.

"He can smell fear Frank." Max hisses and Frank nods, squeezing my hand so hard it hurts. "Are we almost there?" Max turns to me and I take in our surrounding and tug them in the direction of the pale white building.

"Any moment now."  I sign and I sense a presence behind us. "Don't move a muscle."

"Why?" Frank gulps and I feel the creatures foul breath on the back of my neck.

Please not now. Please not now. Please not now. I think, knowing the alarm will set him off.

     A ear splitting ringing begins and I throw my weight to the side, making Frank stumble into Max and they tumble to the floor. I feel the claws sink into my back and I cry out in pain as I sink my knees.

"NO!" Frank yells and Max has to drag him away as I fall forwards, the pain making black spots dance in front of my eyes. That's when I realise if Mikey is in charge the guard will answer to his voice.

"Get off" I say and my voice comes out in a whisper, barely audible, "I said GET OFF!" I command and the creature rolls off of me, whining. I turn my head to face it and know it is in my control now. I try and sit up but the pain in almost unbearable so I crawl towards the creature and heave myself onto his back, collapsing from the effort.

"What's your name?" I whisper and he whines, "He never named you? Well, I'm going to call you Houdini." He carefully climbs to his feet and I tangle my hands in his soft fur and he slowly lopes towards the rustling and yelling.

A figure comes into view and I recognise it to be Lyn-Z and I also see the officer pointing a gun at her.

"Run Houdini, run." I say and cling on as tightly as I can as Houdini picks up a run towards Lyn-Z. He jumps and lands on top of the officer, landing so sharply I get the breath knocked out of me. I groan and let my eyes shut, "Protect them." I tell him before letting sleep consume me

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