Practice Week.

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Red Velvet started their practice for their Seoul Music Awards stage the day after their manager's visit. They were all excited about the awards, the perfomance and their nominations.

The unnie line seemed to fall asleep easily after a long day of practicing.

On the other hand, tha maknae line didn't seem as tired . Joy was begging Yeri to put away some of her clothes before going to sleep because her side of the room was messy. Yeri didn't say anything and just did what Joy said. Joy was laying in her bed with sleepy eyes while watching the maknae putting her clothes back in the closet, she didn't seem sleepy to her at all.

Joy: "Don't go to sleep late again, we're having a tough week practicing."

Yeri: "Whats with you today? you keep telling me what to do."

Joy: "I'm just trying to help you with some advices..that's all"

Yeri: "Yeah well I was going to try to sleep early anyway."

Joy noticed an arguing tone on her voice.

Joy: "you're acting weird."

Yeri: "I'm sorry I just have a lot in my mind right now."

Joy: "Did your dad answer to your calls?"

Yeri: "No.."

Joy didn't ask anything else, she just continued staring at Yeri until she fell asleep.

When Yeri finished, she layed in her bed and took a last look at her phone. No calls yet, nothing from her dad. She closed it and tried to sleep, after an hour of staring at the ceiling and overthinking, she finally fell asleep.

When Yeri woke up the next morning Joy wasn't on her bed, she was probably downstairs eating breakfast with the rest of the members. The first thing that Yeri did when she got up from her bed was to check her phone. She had no calls. She checked the time before calling her dad, it was 11 in the morning. The morning voice of her dad made her eyes go wide and totally woke her up.

Yeri's dad: "Goodmorning Kim Yerim."

Yeri was literally screaming on the phone while asking her dad why he wouldn't answer her calls and explaining how worried she was the whole day.

She finally left some space for her dad to answer.

Yeri's dad: "Kim Yerim will you stop and just listen to me? I was in a meeting where doctors just inform several people about different types of cancer I couldn't pick up the phone during that meeting. After that I had to go pick your siblings up from school, go back home to cook for them and at night I didn't get my phone with me because I had no battery. Plus, you shouldn't be that worried all day, I always inform you when I have news about your mom's condition. If I wanted to hide something from you, I wouldn't talk to you about it at the first place."

Yeri knew that it wasn't his fault but yet she felt tears in her eyes. It seems like she was looking for a reason to burst and just get it all out of her chest. She felt sorry for getting it all out on her father but at least he is the only person who knows what she is going through.

She apologised and changed the subject by telling her dad about the awards. He promised that he will watch it live with the kids and then they hanged up.

Yeri went downstairs for breakfast and Seulgi noticed that she was crying up there.

Seulgi: "What happened?"

Yeri told them everything and everyone was relieved because her mother's condition didn't get any worse. The rest of her members noticed that Yeri hasn't been on a great mood lately so they thought that they should definitely continue keeping an eye on her.

A couple of hours after the breakfast they all went to the practice room. Joy and Wendy decided to practice on their vocals while the other members were giving a try to the opening dance of their perfomance. It took them the whole evening to finish.

Wendy prepared dinner for the exhausted members and the day flew by faster than they expected. They all slept early, even Yeri, knowing that tomorrow will be exactly the same.

The rest of the practice week went perfectly fine. Seulgi Yeri and Irene learned their opening dance within a day with a little help from their choreographer just like the manager predicted and Wendy and Joy made sure to take some extra vocal lessons to cover up any mistakes. They were definitely ready.

At Thursday, the day before their last performance on the actual stage of SMA's, they accepted another unexpected visit from their manager.

They all greeted him and Wendy burst into laughter when she saw Irene glaring at a jacket that was thrown in the sofa. It really pisses her off when something is not in it's right place during a visit.

The manager smiled at them and said some encouraging words for tomorrow and congratulated them for their successful practice.

Manager: "So, tomorrow a car will come to pick you up at 4:00p.m, your practice is at 6:00pm exactly, but the stage is an hour and a half away from here that's why we will pick you up so much earlier. Also you will be the last SM artist that will practice on that day so don't be suprised if you see some of the SM staff leaving, they would be there from the morning anyway. I don't know which entertainment company will show up next but I don't think there is a reason for us to care. Have some rest tonight don't push yourselves, im sure you're all more than just ready." he winked and left the dorm.

Everything went as planned. Seulgi Irene and Yeri were more than ready to show off their special dance. The Dumb Dumb perfomance is something that has been done before which means that there's nothing to be worried about.

Last but not least, the condition of Yeri's mom was still stable, she didn't visit her this past week but her dad says that she's not missing a thing, everything is exactly as Yeri remembers. Her mom in a coma.

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