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Yeri was too scared and worried abou the phone calls that it was hard for her to find a proper answer for Jungkook. She just stood there looking at her phone.

Jungkook fought with the urge to look at her phone and just waited for her next move.

Yeri missed the calls but she knew one thing, she has to get to the hospital as fast as possible. She looked around and tried to think of a polite excuse to leave.

Meanwhile, Seulgi and Jimin hadn't yet realise that the other two weren't following them anymore. 

"I have to go to the hospital...immediately." Yeri said directly to Jungkook. She figured that it's okay to tell him and Seulgi the truth since they already know about this.  She only had to come up with an excuse for Jimin so she could use some help.

"Does seulgi noona know?" Jungkook asked. He probably already started thinking of ways that Yeri could get to the hospital without being suspicious. Yeri was glad that he got straight to the point.

"Yes she does. Look, I can't waste any more time so I will just go outside and wait for a taxi, there is really nothing more to talk about, have fun for the rest of the-" 

"No no no, don't even think about it, It's late and I think I know the fastest way for us to get there. I think there is a bus to downtown and then another bus to the hospital and that's it." He interrupted her.

"Yes I'm coming with you." Jungkook answered to the questionable look that Yeri had on her face.

"Jungkook, you really dont have too." Yeri really meant what she just said but she couldn't deny the fact that she wanted to get to the hospital as fast as possible.

" You also didn't have to keep my little secret" He said. " Leave Jimin hyung to me, you go inform Seulgi noona" Was all Jungkook said and Yeri couldn't insist anymore because he was already heading towards Jimin.

"Ok" Yeri said snapping out of her thought. She followed his instructions.

"I had a call from my dad I have to go to the hospital, Jungkook is coming with me" Yeri simply said to Seulgi.

"Is anything wrong with your mom? Wait, does Jungkook know?" Seulgi asked confused.

"No and I hope not.. I will explain later.. and you.. just have some fun with Jimin okay? See you at dorm" She said and gave a look at Jungkook who nodded as if he was ready to go.

"See you at dorm!!" Seulgi said louder because the maknaes were already heading to the exit. She looked at Jimin who had a weird smirk on his face.

"You did realise that they are going somewhere together and not to their dorms, right? I didn't believe that for a sec hehe." Jimin said and Seulgi only smiled.


Yeri was trying to call her dad while her and Jungkook were waiting for that bus he was talking about. Jungkook was trying to figure out the bus routes.

"YES! There is a bus! In 10 minutes, I remember Taehyung telling me that he came back home from the cinema with a bus." Jungkook said feeling proud of himself but when he turned to look at Yeri, he could sense how worried she felt.

"Do you want to tell me what is going on? I mean if you want to.. you dont have to.." he said awkwardly and sat next to her.

Yeri looked at him and gave up on calling her dad.

"Nothing bad I assume, I think I would already know if anything bad would happen. But my dad won't answer now which is kind of strange.." She said. She wasn't sure if she wanted to tell him everything but at the same time she couldn't find a reason why not to.

"So I guess the fact that you are going to the hospital's about your family?" Jungkook couldn't help but ask.

"Yeah... It's about my mom.." Yeri said and gave him a look hoping that he will understand that she doesn't want to talk about it any further.

"I see.." Jungkook simply said and starred at the floor. Yeri could've sworn that his mood suddenly dropped.

"What about you? Why are you visiting the hospital so often?" Yeri was feeling like she was crossing the lines with her questions but she couldn't hold herself.

"Because my dad is an ass. I have to get him to the hospital every time he gets drunk or injured by any physical fight before mom finds out. Because if she does then it will probably end on a divorce which is the worst that could happen to our family right now." Yeri wasn't waiting for him to be so detailed but she liked the fact that he is opening up to her that easily. She caught herself wanting to hug him so badly but her mind was telling her not to do so. 

Jungkook raised his gaze from the floor and turned to look at Yeri. 

"I'm sorry to hear that.." Yeri felt like a mainstream fool on dramas when she said that but it's still better that saying nothing.

"Divorces are not always bad you know.. maybe it will be better that way." Yeri added. She assumed that the man who was on the elevator with her that day was Jungkook's father.

"It's not for our family." Jungkook said a bit coldly and looked away. Yeri decided to not say anything else. He knows better and she didn't want to cross the line again and asking anything else.

She was trying to guess why the divorce is not good for the Jeon family when the bus arrived. They went in. She looked at Jungkook and noticed that he is a total mood changer just like her. Both of them were laughing and making fun of Seulgi and Jimin not even 10 minutes ago and now they both look sad and tired of their lifes. She starred at the floor too and tried to guess why her dad was calling her before and not answering now.

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