Hurtful fights.

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"What the hell was that? You're too young to curse." Irene said.

"I think that's the last thing you should be worried about right now." Yeri said and handed Irene her phone showing all the calls from their manager.

"Great..." Irene took a deep breath and called their manager back while leaving the room. She doesn't want the Bangtan members to hear their conversation.

Joy and Yeri were just waiting for their unnie to come back and both of them were sure enough that their manager will not leave this without saying or doing anything.

Yeri's headache was still there and she was still quite angry because of Jungkook. She knows that he has no reason to believe her but still, he makes her nerves go crazy. She noticed that she's always emotional around jungkook, she has been angry, fluttered, curious and even worried about him and she was afraid to admit the reason. She burried her head into her palms.

 "Don't worry, we've been through this again." Joy whispered while leaning into yeri and placing her hand on her back, always making sure that V and Rapmon wouldn't hear.

"I have an Idea!" V said without losing his playful tone that he always has when he speaks.

"Me and Namjoon hyung will have a chat with your manager explaining that it's our fault for not answering his phone calls, we'll say that we have been distracting you or something, he can't do anything to us... " V tried to cheer them up by saying all that with a smile on his face.

"No, it's okay, this might make it worse actually, he will probably think that we forced you to say these words so let's just forget it" Joy answered smiling back at him.

Yeri didn't speak but she agreed with Joy on that one.

Jimin came in the room and seemed a little sad. 

"Jimin oppa, do you know where Seulgi is?" Joy asked him.

"At your backstage room with Wendy." He answered coldly without looking at her.

This was actually the first time Yeri heard Jimin talking and he looked hurt and cold. Yeri assumed that he's just on a bad day and didn't want to misunderstand him.

Irene finally came back, Joy and Yeri stood up waiting for their unnie to say something.

"Where's Seulgi and Wendy?" She asked and seemed furious.

"At our backstage room." Joy and Yeri said at the same time.

"Cool, we're leaving, let's go and pick the girls up, our driver is already waiting for us for half an hour now." She said seriously.

They said goodbye to the BTS members and went out of the room. Jungkook wasn't outside where Yeri left him and Yeri felt relieved. She didn't spot him anywhere as they were walking at the hallways. She was curious for a second but then she tried to remind herself that she's angry with him.

They went in the car and the driver didn't say a thing. Red Velvet didn't speak at all either until they got back to dorm.

They all assumed that tomorrow morning their Manager will come over for a visit, that's what he always does when something goes wrong.

"Whatever he'll say we'll get through it, that's what we're doing for almost 2 years now." Irene said.

The members nodded. Seulgi and Wendy told the rest of the members whatever happened to the party after they left and same did Joy.

"Irene unnie is kind of drunk." Joy said.

"I've been worse" she said and everyone laughed except Seulgi. Yeri noticed but she didn't say anything.

"by the way Yeri, who were you talking to before you entered the room? And don't you ever curse like that again young lady." Irene raised her eyebrows.

"Jungkook." she said simply and rolled her eyes.

"Did you curse at jungkook?" wendy said clearly not expecting that.

"He was being a jerk ok? Plus he didn't hear me so.." She answered coldly.

"But why?" Wendy asked again.

"Don't remember." Yeri lied, she was trying to look as careless as possible but she knew that ever since she closed that door leaving him out of their room she's only thinking about this. She doesn't regret a thing that she said, but now she felt more hurt than ungry. Yeri galped and noticed that seulgi was the only one who is not looking at her. She keeps on looking at the ground.

"Seulgi unnie what's wrong?" Yeri asked and Seulgi raised her head for the first time ever since they got here.

"Nothing I'm just tired." Yeri didn't believe that for a second. "Im going to sleep" She said and went upstairs. After a few minutes everyone followed seulgi and went to sleep.

The next morning Yeri was the last to wake up. She went downstairs and joined the rest of the member at breakast. She noticed that Seulgi has the same expression as yesterday, she seems like she's been burried in her own thoughts. Yeri followed her upstairs after breakfast.

"It's worse when you keep it to yourself." She said to Seulgi when they were both upstairs and everyone else downstairs.

Seulgi galped and passed her hand through her hair without saying anything.

"Wanna talk about it?" Yeri asked.

Seulgi just nodded and lead Yeri at her room that she shares with Wendy and Irene. Seulgi sat on her bed and Yeri sat next to her. After a few seconds Seulgi took a deep breath.

"I fought with Jimin and I think it's my fault and I feel so guilty ever since yesterday... I've been thinking of apologising but he's probably careless about it." 

Yeri noticed that this is bothering her a lot, she was about to tease her about her and Jimin but she seemed hurt? At least that's what it looked like.

"He's not careless about it, Im 99% sure, when he came to their backstage room I was there and he looked exactly how you look like right now.. hurt.. " She said trying to encourage her unnie.

"Really?" Seulgi went from shocked  to serious-looking again. "Wait does that mean that I hurted his feelings? No way there're no feeling what am I even saying" She said and covered her face in her palms.

Yeri smiled "Unnie, I'm pretty sure there are feeling from your side tho, am I right?"

Seulgi looked at her and thought.

"I guess.." She said as if she realised it just now.

Yeri gave her a hug and smiled. "I don't think he would look like that if he had no feelings, if you think that it's really your fault then go ahead and say sorry, I'm sure that he'll have a lot to say as well." 

Seulgi couldn't hide a smile and Yeri laughed "You seriously match with each other, no joke" Yeri laughed.

"Shut upppp" Seulgi hide her face while blashing.

"You're honestly the last member I would expect to have a crush on a BTS member." Yeri said.

"No, I actually think it's you." Seulgi admitted.

Yeri lost her smile and her thoughts went immediately to Jungkook. She galped and once again she was annoyed by herself for having all these weird thoughts. 

Yeri: "Yeah right.."

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