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Slavery week seemed like it lasted longer than a week. After it's end the manager came for another visit, this time he informed the members about their schedule for this week. It seemed like a normal schedule, more working and less free time, nothing special.

Truth is, all of the member were not in a mood to do anything. Yeri decided to not visit her mom since her condition is still stable, Wendy couldn't make it to see her parents, Joy was sick with a cold and Irene was around the house keeping company to the members. Seulgi was the only one that managed to go out, probably she was meeting with jimin or her friends. Yeri and Seulgi have a lot of idol friends but ever since Yeri's mom is at the hospital, the maknae lost contact with most of them.

Meanwhile this week, Yeri finally decided to check the BTS members. Joy helped her with the useless informations about each member. She was impressed by the fact that Jungkook was good at almost everything, he might be considered as a vocalist but he can rap and dance as well. Yeri noticed that Joy doesn't know about Seulgi and Jimin because she didn't mention anything about it. She wouldn't say anything but she couldn't see the reason why Seulgi is still keeping it a secret.

At thursday night everyone except Seulgi were home. Yeri was at her's and Joy's room alone. Joy was downstairs helping Wendy with dinner. She heard a knock at the door and turned around to see Seulgi who probably just came back.

"I got some news" Seulgi said.

Yeri was studying when her unnie came in. School is about to start in a few weeks.

Seulgi found a sit for herself at Yeri's bed which was right next to the desk where Yeri was currently studying.

"I'm all ears" Yeri responded.

"You, me , Jimin , Jungkook on saturday."

"What!?" Yeri asked shocked.
"Unnie please tell me that you didn't say anything to Jimin about Jungkook."

"What? No of course I didn't. I will go to the cinema with jimin on saturday and apparently Jungkook wants to see that specific movie. Jimin said he has been waiting for it to come out and offered me to bring a friend of mine since Jungkook is going to be there." Seulgi said with a smile on her lips.

"I don't know... I have a lot to study and we have a schedule on Saturday morning." Yeri said even though she was seriously thinking about going.

"We have a radio show, we will just talk and sit. Plus, you do have plenty of time to back up with your studies. I am not trying to force you or anything but let's get real, this is a good opportunity for you and Kookie." Seulgi winked.

Yeri bit her lip. She had time for her studies indeed.

But it will be so awkward. Jungkook might get suspicious and Ι'm not sure if Ι'm ready for that to happen." Yeri said.

"Well, you can just say that you are curious about the movie as well. Me and Jimin are going to be there as well so I don't think it'll get too awkward." Seulgi really wanted to convince Yeri to come with them. It's been a while since something happy happened to her.

"Wait, are we talking about 'the hunger games'? 'Cause I really wanted to see that. No joke." Yeri said.

"See? You got the point." Seulgi and yeri smiled.

"Ughh. I dont know.. what will we say to the unnies?"

"I havent told them about Jimin yet, so let's just say that we're going out with Amber unnie who is in town. Or at least I think so." Seulgi said.

"You know I'm not good at lying. Also, why dont you just say it?" Yeri found the opportunity to ask.

Seulgi: "I will, I just don't really like talking about these things. I get embarrassed. Do you want me to tell them before Saturday? So that they know where we will be  going?"

"Ehm.. Let's just not tell them about me and whatever I have with Jungkook.. not because I don't want them to know but because im not 100% sure about my feelings." Yeri said.

Seulgi: " Okay, we' ll figure something out. For now let's go eat dinner, I think Wendy made us some ramyeon this time."

When they were almost finished, Seulgi decided to just tell the rest of the members about her and Jimin, even though she hated these kinds of conversations with her close friends.

 Wendy and Irene said that they guessed it because they noticed that she's always on her phone and their first guess would of course be Jimin. 

Joy was the most suprised.

"When did all these happen? How long have you been together? Why didn't I notice any moment of you while we were with them? How did it start? and since when do you like jimin? " Joy attacked Seulgi with all these questions but of course, Seulgi was expecting that and came prepared.

"I dont know, I dont know , I dont know and I dont know." Seulgi simply answered making the other members laugh.

"Maybe it happened when you were too focused on taehyung." Wendy teased Joy who was still shocked.

"Seulgi was literally the last person I would think of dating a bangtan member or an idol in general on this planet." Joy said.

"I dont think so, think about it twice,"  Irene said and showed Yeri to Joy with a simple move of her head.

Yeri seemed to understand the situation and decided to make a little fun. " I know right? Joohyun unnie is such an introvert to date someone famous." Everyone laughed while Yeri was still thinking if she should just tell them about Jungkook or not.

"Aishhh, Yeri can never get teased by anyone." Irene said.

"I actually agree with Joohyun unnie on that one." Wendy said looking suspiciously on Yeri.

Yeri looked at her and cleared her throat and looked down at the table.

"Wendy unnie who do you think is the most likely to date a BTS member then?" Joy asked. "I would still place Seulgi unnie at the last place though." And everyone knows she would place herself on the first place.

"Yeri." Wendy said without a second thought and everyone looked at her.

"Because she's full of suprises" She added.

Joy: "Yeri with who? Why isn't anyone thinking about me? I'm literally the only ARMY in here."

Yeri was starting to believe that Wendy might have already got it. She always thinks that Wendy is the smartest but she still can't guess how she found out. If she really did.

"Anyway, I'll go do the dishes." Wendy said and got off of the table. She didn't want to push it any further.

"I have a crush on Jungkook" Yeri said out of nowhere with her full attention on Wendy's reaction.Not even Seulgi was expecting her to say it like that. Yeri is really full of suprises.

Everyone besides Seulgi was caught off guard. 

Irene asked Yeri to repeat that because it might just be her getting old and not hearing really well. Joy's mouth was too busy being wide open to ask any other questions and Wendy, as Yeri wished, was also suprised even though she said what she said a few minutes ago. 

"Suprise? I guess??" Yeri said simply and enjoyed everyone's reactions.

The night passed by with a lot of teasing for Yeri and Seulgi and of course, a lot of complaining from Joy.

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