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All the members were waiting for Yeri to come back and when she finally informed them with the good news, they were all relieved.

She made sure to explain every detail to them and the members tried to encourage her as much as possible.

"Go to sleep now and I'll wake you up myself to get ready for the awards." Irene said with a strict look on her face.

Yeri opened her mouth to say something.

"Dont even try, you're going to sleep, you have to rest before the awards as much as you can." Irene said and kept looking at Yeri with her strict look until she got up and went upstairs.

Irene woke Yeri up and lead her to the kitchen, a bunch of lunches were waiting for her.

Yeri looked up at Irene.

"Did you make all these for me?" she asked.

"Isn't it obvious? I'm 100% sure that you didn't eat anything since yesterday and its 4pm now. And we're talking about the same Kim Yerim who's always eating more that anyone in here." She replied.

Yeri run her hand through her hair and sat down silently.

"Thank you for the lunch." She said to Irene who left her alone to eat.

After lunch, Yeri put on her casual clothes and went to join the rest of the member who were chilling in the living room while waiting for the driver to give them a ride to the SMAs.

The driver arrived and they all got into the car. After a few minutes Wendy felt nervousness taking over her whole body. She turned to look at the other members and noticed that nobody was talking. The car was silent.

"We should not be that nervous there." Wendy broke the silence.

Seulgi galped and turned to look at Irene who was about to say something.

Irene: "Joy say something ."

Joy: "Me? what?".

Irene: " I don't know, you're usually the one who doesn't shut up in the car."

Joy: "Ehhmm..." she turned and looked at Yeri's side, asking for help but Yeri was staring at the window full of thoughts as she normally does when they're having a ride. She was probably thinking about her mom but they have already discussed about it. Joy was trying to guess what else Yeri could be thinking.

Joy: "BTS"

Irene rolled her eyes and just stared at the window trying to fight the nervousness by herself.

Joy: "I am sorry I couldn't think of anything else, it's the only thing that's in my mind since yesterday." she said watching her unnie's reactions.

"Jimin texted me and said that they had another practice this morning." Seulgi seemed to have jumped into the conversation already.

"I thought Thursday and Friday were the practice days." Wendy pointed since today is Saturday.

"I guess they have a big schedule for today." Joy admired them.

"So what else did Jimin text you?" Joy teased Seulgi who got immediately annoyed.

"Knock it off." Seulgi muttered.

Wendy's eyes stopped at Yeri who was still out of the conversation looking outside the window as always. Wendy wanted her to join them for some reason.

"So, any news about the Jungkook thing?" Wendy asked the members, while looking mysteriously at Yeri.

Yeri turned and looked at the talking members when she heard the name Jungkook.

Wendy smirked at her but Yeri didn't understand why.

"Everything's the same, according to Jimin" said seulgi.

"What's the jungkook thing?" Yeri couldn't help but ask. She just wanted to know if her members know anything hospital related about him.

"His hyungs said to us that he never talks to anyone if something is bothering him, but when something does he acts weird. Taehyung told me that he has been acting weird and avoiding conversations for the past 2 weeks." Joy sounded like a worried fan while saying all that.

"What do you mean that he's acting weird? Like what is he doing?" Yeri's questions were coming out of her mouth without controlling them.

Everyone turned and looked at her with a 'why do you care' look apart from Wendy who was still smirking at her.

"what? I'm just bored." Yeri lied, she didn't know why she was asking all these questions either. 

She was just curious if anyone else knows about his appearances in the hospital like she does. But now that she thinks of it, she doesn't really have a reason to be that curious so she just tried to snap out of it.

"Yeah, sure.." Wendy said with an ironic tone but nobody heard her because joy started talking again.

"Taehyung mentioned that he is way too hyperactive when something is bothering him" Joy said, looking at her nails and probably thinking that she needs to fix them.

Yeri firmed her eyebrows when she remembered Jungkook shaking his legs non-stop in the taxi. There was indeed something bothering him back then and that was how he ended up asking Yeri to keep his secret.

"I see you and Taehyung had a lot to say this time" Seulgi teased Joy back. They kept on teasing each other.

This probably is connected with the reason why he was at the hospital this morning, Yeri thought to herself. She agrees with the fact that something is bothering him when he acts like that because she has seen it herself. If that's the case, she knows something more than his own bandmates which made her feel good for some stupid reason. She, unlike his bandmates, is the only one who knows that this has to do with a hospital, maybe he was there for a visit just like she was or maybe he is having some medical difficulties himself. Yeri froze at her last thought and felt her whole body being filled with worry. 

"We're here." The driver said waking Yeri up from her thoughts.

She shook her head annoyed of her weird thoughts and behavior from before.

When they got out of the car, everything flew just like a typical before-air show. Their manager who was already there, lead Red Velvet to their backstage room where hairdressers and stylists were waiting for them.  They all started working.

When Red Velvet's appearance went flawless to the max, the staff went out of the room and the members gathered around smiling to each other.

"We're here" Irene said while all the members leaned in for a group hug.

"Let's do this SMA thing" Wendy said in her usual informal tone when they locked their hug.

"GO RED VELVET" they all screamed and tightened the hug even more. It was one of the best moments they've ever had together.

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