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Yeri and Seulgi went downstairs to join the rest of the group.

"Any news from our manager? did he call or something?" Seulgi asked Irene looking more cheerful than before, thanks to Yeri.

"Nope.. Let's just act like any other day, we don't have to stay here waiting for him to visit us." Irene suggested and everyone agreed.

Wendy: "Okay then, me and Joy were planning on going grocery shopping." 

Yeri: "I'll take a bus and go to the hospital to visit my mom since we don't have anything on our schedule for today."

Irene and Seulgi decided to stay home and watch a movie. 

Everyone splitted and went to do their own activities for the day.

Yeri took a bus and went to the hospital just like she planned. Her dad wasn't there, he was probably home helping the kids with their homework.

She went in her mom's room and just starred at her for hours. She noticed every single move that her body makes when she breathes and everything seemed normal, it looks like she's having a normal sleep. The thing is that it will last for days/weeks or maybe months.

At night, her dad showed up and said that the kids are now sleeping so he came for a visit. He had this tired look ever since he stepped into the room.

"Have you been sleeping properly? Ever since mom's in here?" Yeri asked even though she could guess the answer.

"Not really, 2 hours is my high score which I hit the day after the operation was done." He answered as if it was the most natural thing in the world, he looked like he's been used to these tired situations.

Yeri didn't say anything, sometimes she can't sleep either but when she does, she sleeps well. That's probably because she has the members who keep encouraging and helping her, they make her forget. On the other hand her dad has been lonely for years now and his wife is the only person he trusts the most.

Yeri went to the ground floor to buy a couple of sandwitches for her and her dad who were starving. She noticed that the weather is 10 times worse than before, it was raining and the wind was strong enough to make things fall and crash making the whole building hear them. Yeri likes the rain, but without wind and lightings because they cause a lot of damages.

She bought the sandwitches and pressed the button which leads the elevator to the 5th floor. She was scrolling on her phone when the elevator made a stop to another floor and Yeri saw with the corner of her eye that someone got in. She looked up to face Jungkook. He saw her too and didn't say anything. Yeri kept on scrolling at her phone pretending that she didn't see him. Why is he going to the 5th floor anyway?

Her heart was going crazy but she tried to act like a normal teenage girl who is scrolling down on her phone on an elevator. She was feeling guilty now, what if this is her fault and has to apologise just like Seulgi? Seulgi was smart enough to admit that it was her fault and Yeri felt selfish for not knowing who's fault this is. She ended up to the same conclusion as always, he is the one who brought up the subject, he is the one who probably regrets trusting her, he is the one who blamed her so this is his fault. She decided to stay silent and pretend that he wasn't there while trying to calm herself mentally.

"Are we going to be like this?" Jungkook asked without looking at her.

Yeri didn't answer, she just glared at him and put her phone back at her pocket.

"I'm sorry okay? Now I know that it wasn't you, someone recognised me and posted a picture of me, our manager saw it and informed Namjoon hyung who decided to talk to the rest of the members except me, they organised a whole plan to make me speak to them..and I did because I really wanted to know how they knew about the hospital thing." He stopped talking for a moment but Yeri didn't do anything different, she was just staring around. He started walking closer to her.

"I didn't want them to know, but still I spoke to them because it was the only way I could learn their source, I wanted to know if it was you or not, I don't want us to be like this..." Jungkook sighed because Yeri was still acting carelessly. "C'mon how could I possibly think that someone would've posted a picture of me and so on? I'm sure that you would think the same way if you were in my shoes." Jungkook now was next to Yeri, close enough to make her give him a look.

She thought for a moment and admited to herself that she would probably react the same way in his place. She looked him in the eyes and couldn't see anything else but honesty, now that she has his apologise there are no signs of angryness inside of her, but there are a lot of other feelings. She broke their eye contact so that she could concentrate to her words.

"Im sorry too, I got too angry and even cursed at you while you were just saying things that everyone would say in your place.." She turned back up to face him.

They were just starring at each other for the next couple of seconds and Yeri couldn't stop her heart for beating so fast. She blinked and glance her teeth while admitting to herself that she has a crush on him. The elevator arrived at the 5th floor and the door opened. Yeri was about to leave but Jungkook grabbed her wrist which made her turn and face him once again.

"Does this mean that we're okay now?" Jungkook asked, still holding her hand.

Yeri nodded and looked awkwardly at her hand. Jungkook let go and smiled. Yeri realised that he's not walking to get out of the elevator.

"By the way..where were you going?" Yeri asked out of curiousity.

"To the ground floor but apparently I forgot to press the button" Yeri smiled and waved at him as the door was about to close. He waved back and Yeri was now alone with the sandwitches still on her hand. She started walking towards her dad and couldn't get her smile off of her face. She felt stupid for smiling like that but she couldn't resist. She handed the sandwitch to her dad and saw a confused look on his face.

"Kim Yerim if you're doing drugs I swear..." Yeri burst into laughter.

"Nooo I'm just in a good mood I guess" She quickly added and he smiled out of relief. "By the way, tomorrow I'll come home to see the kids and grandma, it's been almost 3 weeks since I last saw them."

The two of them kept on talking about different topics until Yeris' dad noticed that the rain stopped.

"Let's go, I'll drive you to the dorm, I've been feeling a lot better lately so I started driving again." He said.

Yeri didn't spot Jungkook anywhere as she was leaving the building with her dad, but deep down she hoped that they would meet again.

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