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"Jungkook?" was the only word that could come out of her mouth.

He was probably the least expected person to meet at a hospital especially this early, on the same day with the awards.

When Jungkook faced her, he was also suprised to see her here. He nervously started looking around and Yeri assumed that he didn't want to be seen by a lot of people. Which was understandable, especially by her. They were pretty much in the same situation, neither of them wanted to be noticed by anyone apart from their relatives.

"Yeri?" He said suprised while getting up and walking towards her.

 "Aren't you going to the SMA's ?" he almost whispered now that he was close enough for her to hear him. 

"Aren't you?" She asked trying to avoid the question since she haven't really thought of the answer yet.

"I am" Jungkook said, almost frowning at the fact that he didn't get an answer to his question. 

"it's still early though, I think I'll be there on time." He added.

Jungkook looked at her as if he was waiting an answer and Yeri noticed.

"I'll be there too" She said. 

She clearly couldn't skip the awards because her manager will get curious and Yeri doesn't want many people to know her family issues. Although, she was there, standing in front of a guy she met yesterday and letting informations slip out of her mouth. She sighed.

Jungkook's eyes dropped at Yeri's hands and he saw the two cups of coffee that she was holding, he raised an eyebrow at her, still questioning many things that he wasn't quite sure if he was allowed to ask.

"You've been here all night?" He asked trying to break the awkward silence.

"yeah.." Yeri noticed that he had black circles under his eyes "Have you?"

Jungkook noticed that she was looking at his tired eyes.

"yeah..sorry for my appearance" he said embarassed and looked down.

"It's cute" Yeri didn't notice what she just said. 

She felt her face getting warm because of the embarassment but she was curious about his reaction. He kept his eyes down and she noticed that he was lowkey blushing. She smiled and looked awkwardly back to the open elevator which was still waiting for Yeri.

"I should go" she said.

"Okay" He said. 

"See you at the SMA's? I guess?" She smiled.

"Yep, see you there." He smiled back and waved at her while she was walking towards the elevator.

She saw jungkook getting back to the chair where he was sitting earlier until the door closed. Her mind travelled in thoughts that she shouldn't been having now because, in her opinion, it's non of her business. She was just thinking many things from 'why is he here' to 'he looked really exhausted' but again, she thought her curiosity is pointless.

She finally got to the right floor and passed one cup of coffee to her dad.

"I'll drive you to dorm" Her dad announced.

"No way you're more than tired right now, you should go wash your face or something dad, you look...bad" Yeri stated.

"Ok I will, how are you going to get back to the dorm, then?" Her dad asked.

"I'll call Wendy unnie and ask her for a ride, if she can't I'll probably get a taxi, don't worry. And don't drive home by yourself. You're too tired for that." She looked at him waiting for him to promise her that he won't drive.

"I won't" he promised.

"Cool." Yeri said while getting her phone out of her pocket. She called Wendy but she didn't answer. It is early but Wendy always wakes up early enough to prepare breakfast for the members, that's why Yeri didn't hesitate to call her.

She stayed with her dad for a little longer until she made it out of the building to get a taxi.

"Hey" She heard a familiar voice from behind, she turned around to face Jungkook, again.

"Oh.. Hey" she said suprised.

"Are you going to your dorm?" He asked.

"Yep, I'm looking for a taxi." she answered. Yeri wondered what he was doing out here too. 

"I'm also looking for a Taxi, I'm going back to the SMA stage, cause we're staying there until Sunday." He said.

"Oh I see." Yeri turned around hoping to see a Taxi this time.

"There's one." Jungkook pointed one on the other side of the road. He didn't move to go get it, he just looked at yeri not knowing who should go first.

"Do you want to grab the same taxi? I think our dorm is on the way to the SMA's stage." She said when she noticed his uncomfortable thoughts.

He nodded with a relieved smile.

They both sat at the back side of the car, Jungkook on the left and Yeri on the right.

They didn't know what to say so they both just stared out of their window.

After a few minutes Yeri's phone rang and she picked it up, it was Wendy.

"Heyy, goodmorning" yeri said. Obviously Jungkook could hear everything she was saying since he was almost next to her.

"Hey, sorry for not answering I was still sleeping, do you want me to come and pick you up?" Wendy said.

"No,It's okay, I'm actually in a taxi now so I'll be there in a few." Yeri asked.

"Okay.. So what happened?" Wendy couldn't wait so she just asked Yeri from the phone.

Yeri turned to look at Jungkook for a second and he was still staring at the window. She didn't want to talk about it in front of him, she doesn't know him that well yet to just let him know her family's drama.

"I'll tell you at the dorm." She said and Jungkook gave her a quick glare and then looked back outside of the window again. Yeri hanged up the phone and felt uncomfortable because Jungkook seemed to notice that she didn't want to talk about it in front of him.

Yeri was giving some last directions to the driver so that he could understand where exactly the dorm is, they were almost there.  Yeri noticed that Jungkook was shaking his foot as if he was worried about something. Yeri turned to look at him and she noticed that he was biting his lip. She stared at his lips for too long and without noticing she bit her lip the same way as if she was trying to imitate him. She shook her head annoyed of her weird actions and turned back to look at Jungkook who was still looking worried.

"Is everything alright?" She asked earning his attention.

Jungkook turned to face her, suprised that she noticed.

"I mean.." He stopped moving to think. He seemed to be fighting with his thoughts on whether he should tell her or not.

"Can you please not mention to anyone that I was at the hospital?" Jungkook said while scratching the back of his neck. He felt way too awkward for asking that but he assumed that Yeri as an idol too, would understand.

Yeri smiled at the fact that he was struggling to say something that simple.

"Sure, no problem.." She said warmly.

Jungkook smiled. Yeri was about to keep his secret without a second thought. He was actually the first to keep one of her's when he didn't say anything to anyone about her crying the other night. She owned him this time.

The Taxi stopped outside of Red Velvet's dorm and Yeri was about to get out before she turned to look at jungkook for the last time before she gets back to the dorm.

"Thank you for keeping my secret btw, see you at the awards." she said while getting out of the taxi.

"See ya" He said and Yeri closed the taxi door behind her.

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