The call.

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Yeri's heart dropped when she saw the word "dad" at her phone's screen. She answered but didn't say anything, she couldn't find the words.

Yeri's dad: "Kim Yerim."

She closed her eyes and felt the tears already forming at the edge of her eyes.

Yeri's dad: "The doctors called me and said to go to the hospital as fast as I can. I'm here now. They said that your mom opened her eyes but she has more difficulties into breathing than ever before. They said that she probably opened her eyes because of the pressure she must be feeling in her lungs. Remember that operation they suggested to do on the first month? The one that we refused? Well they said that if they don't do it tonight her condition can only get worse by tomorrow. They are on the operating room right now."

Yeri couldn't think for a second. She took a deep breath and started analysing what her dad just said in her mind. His voice was calm even though he is usually the one who gets upset.

Yeri: "What's the doctors' opinion about the operation? How long will it last?"

She noticed that her voice was cracking, probably because she was trying not to cry.

Yeri's dad: "The possibilities are 50-50 just like they warned us when we first got here. If it succeeds, the cure will be more affective to her organism which means that there'll be more opportunities for her to cure completely in the future. The doctors seemed really honest and certain to me. Also, I don't know how long the surgery is going to last, I didn't have the time to ask because they were furious to take her to the operating room. I'll stay here all night obviously, i'll call you when I have news."

Yeri: "Did the kids notice that you left from home?" 

Dad: "No, but they will notice at the morning.. Your grandma is already there and she'll stay for as long as I'll be here."

Yeri: "Don't forget to call me."

Dad: " Go to sleep Yerim. You have an award show tomorrow."

Yeri hanged up the phone knowing that she won't sleep tonight. She couldn't stop all the flashbacks of her being a little child with her mom healthier than ever. She was crying again. She went out of the backstage room and went searching for some water, it always helps her to calm down and stop crying. She was greatful that the hallways were empty, she didn't want anyone to notice that she was crying because she didn't want to talk about it. Not now. Yeri found herself walking for too long. She stopped and looked around. She noticed that she hasn't been here before. She put her hands to her forehead while letting out a deep breath trying to calm herself from crying. She leaned her body to the wall and looked both ways of the hallway. The one lead back to where she was and the other seemed to have a turn to the right. Yeri just moved towards that turn hoping that she would find a bathroom.

As she was getting closer to that turn she heard some footsteps which made her hands go immediately to her face and wipe her tears off as fast as she could. The next second she felt like bumping into someone.

"Damn it" she said from the inside of her teeth hoping that the other person didn't hear.

She looked up to face the dark heared bangtan guy. Great. She thought. She sighed at the fact that it was bright enough in the hallway for him to notice her red and wet eyes.

She ignored his wide eyes when he realised that she was crying and tried to pass by him but she felt him grabbing  gently her wrist. She looked at his hand and then at his eyes with a killing glare. He let go of her arm. Yeri could already tell that he was curious but it was none of his business so she was very suprised by his move.

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