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Wendy started driving and Yeri felt even more sorry when she noticed her unnie's sleepy eyes.

"Wendy unnie, I'm sorry for dragging you into this...please go to sleep when you turn back okay?" Yeri spoke.

"There's nothing to be sorry about. Your dad needs you right now. No matter the time, family and health comes first, you know that." Wendy said.

Yeri simply nodded and decided to stay silent for the rest of the ride.

Wendy tried to put herself on Yeri's shoes and noticed that she could only imagine what it must be feeling like. But the truth is that Yeri hadn't only managed to control her own mental health but also has succefully been there for her dad, helping him out at all costs. It was at this moment that Wendy realised how strong Yeri is for her age. Maybe stronger than someone older in this situation.

When they finally arrived at the hospital Wendy let out a sigh and looked at the younger beside her. Worried.

Yeri: "Just drop me here, go home as early as possible, you need to rest."

Before Wendy could answer Yeri opened the door and got out of the car. She waved at Wendy and went in the building. She stared at the hospital map for a few seconds and then she went on the elevator, heading to the 5th floor. When she went in the elevator someone was already in and Yeri noticed that the man was going to the 3rd floor since that number was already pressed.

The elevator stopped at the 3rd floor and as Yeri expected the man went out. Her eyes followed him and she noticed that he kind of looked familiar to her. It didn't feel like they've met before but he seemed to look alike with someone she knew. 

Before the elevator's door close, Yeri saw this man sitting next to a younger guy who had his head burried in his hands. Yeri assumed that he's his son, she couldn't see his face but the hair and the body type of the two looked alike. Yeri wondered if their situation is similar to hers. Maybe this guy's mom and accordingly this man's wife is being operated just like her own mom. 

Yeri snapped out of her thoughts by the sound of the elevator's movements.

When she finally made it to the 5th floor, it took her a few minutes to find her dad sleeping on a chair with a cup of coffee in his hands. Yeri sat to the chair which was next to her dad but she didn't wake him up. She just stared at the door in front of her, thinking that everything is depending on what is going on behind that door.

She noticed that her dad's coffee was about to leave his hands if he would keep on holding it like that. She tried to take it away from his hands without waking him up but she failed. Her dad's eyes went wide when he recognised the person next to him.

"KIM YER-" Yeri's hand stopped him before he could say the whole name.

"Don't say my name, if anyone notices that I'm here it will cause a scandal even because I'm awake right now." she said almost whispering.

"Get up I'll drive you back to dorm." he said with his most serious voice possible while getting up from his sit.

"No way, I can's sleep anyway so instead of sitting in front of my phone waiting for it to ring, I just came here to keep you some company." she said making a gesture with her hands so that her dad could sit back down.

"You have a god damn award show tomorrow are you kidding me?" her dad still couldn't believe that she's here but he made it back to his sit.

"Dad, honestly, don't even try to change my mind. I'm not going anywhere until the operation is done." Yeri said decisively.

Her dad didn't seem to like it but there wasn't anything else he could say to convince his daughter.

"Drink this at least, to keep you alive." he said while handing his cup of coffee to his daughter.

The door in front of them opened about half an hour later. Yeri's dad jumped off of his seat when he realised that the main surgeon was the one who came out of the room. Yeri didn't realise who that was but her dad's reaction was enough for her to believe that he was important for the surgery.

He said that the operation had a lot of difficulties at the beggining which is the reason why it lasted so many hours, but in the end they succesfully achieved their goal. Yeri was literally crying out of relief and her dad seemed to be tearing up too. They hugged themselves and burst into each other.

"Although" The surgeon continued with a serious tone on his voice, getting both Yeri's and her dad's attention back.

"The patient's organism is really exhausted after hours of operating which means that she will fall into a long-term sleep. A long-term sleep could last even for a month and there's 10% opportunity for her to get back to a coma. Now if you want my opinion, I've been watching this patient for 3 hours now and I know well that she's one of the strongest patients I've ever had. I personally think that she'll be awake in two weeks at least. In other words, I do not think she will fall back into a coma. I don't mean to get your hopes high, but this is my honest opinion." The surgeon said with a smile.

Yeri's dad tried to calm himself and when he did, he spoke.

"Now that this operation is done succesfully does that mean that she won't get any worse just like you said?" He said and waited for the answer.

"Yes everything that we said was certain. She won't get any worse but there are still some possibilities for her to stay stable and just like I said before, to fall back into a coma. In other words, like I said there's a 10% possibilities for her to fall in a come and 50% for her to live the rest of her life with chemo therapies and medication." the doctor answered.

Yeri: "Which means that the chances for her to recover completely is 40%?"

"Exactly." the doctor pointed.

They didn't feel disappointed, not even for a second. They learnt one thing today and that was that there're no death possibilities. Now that the operation is done successfully, she won't get any worse but she could stay stable. They were one step ahead at the game and hoped that in the end, they will win.

At 5:00 am Yeri went at the ground floor just to take a couple of coffees from the shop, for her and her dad. She took the coffees and went back at the elevator, smiling at the thought of the great news that they received yesterday. She heard that ding noise that the elevator always makes when it arrives at a floor. She went off of the elevator without noticing that this is not the correct floor.

She kept on walking but when she realised that she was at the wrong floor the elevator was gone. She turned back and pressed the button, waiting for it to come back. She took a look around and it felt like she has seen that place before. She noticed that she was on the 3rd floor because the number 3 was written in the walls. She remembered the familiar guy who walked out of the elevator to go to the 3rd floor yesterday and wondered if they also got some good news for the day.

Just by that Yeri got lost on her own mind, thinking that a few hours ago when she was in this floor her mom was fighting a battle and now, she knows that she won what seemed like the first round of that battle. She let herself smile a bit, which was rare, especially for the past couple of months.

The next moment Yeri heard some door opening and she noticed the younger guy from yesterday walking out of it and heading towards the exact same seats across the elevator. But this time, he didn't have his face burried in his hands. In fact, Yeri could clearly see his face. Recognising every bit of it, her mouth fell open.


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