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They were already having so much fun. Jungkook was driving, god knows where, but Yeri didn't bother to ask. They were both singing, rapping, half dancing on each song that went on the radio. Yeri couldn't tell how long the ride was when Jungkook stopped the car and lowered down the volume of the radio.

Yeri took a look outside of the window but it was so dark that she couldn't see anything. She was putting her warmest jacket on, since she has been warned from Jungkook to dress warmly, and was about to open the door to get out of the car but Jungkook was faster. She laughed at him for being such a gentleman and he blushed. 'Are we really doing this?' Is all that Yeri could think.

She took a look around, Jungkook was focused on her, waiting for a reaction.

"A beach?" Yeri asked suprised.

"Yep.." Jungkook said and started walking towards the coast, waving at Yeri to follow him.

Jungkook was running around screaming, singing, talking and doing crazy things while Yeri was just starring at him laughing and trying to take control of the cold.

"Are you cold?" He asked but he was already pulling out his jacket to put it on to her.

"No don't do that you'll freeze and-" Yeri stopped at the feeling of his arms wrapped around her so that the jacket is on her. Jungkook didn't move, he stayed like that, back hugging her. Yeri's fast heartbeat was already starting to warm her whole body up.

"This is where I come when something is bothering me. So that I can think about it for hours without people recognising me." Jungkook said and Yeri enjoyed the vibration of his body while he was talking. She placed her hands on his own and tried to sound as normal as possible.

"What is bothering you now?" She asked. There was a second of silence and then Jungkook gently turned her around so that they could face each other.

"Us.." He replied. Yeri's heart stopped for a second. What did he mean? Yeri's mind travelled to terrible explanations of why would he say that and her look added pain in it's expression. Was she really bothering him? Is that what he means? Jungkook who seemed to understand Yeri's thoughts panicked at his words.

"No no I didn't mean it that way.." Jungkook's hand touched her chin so that he could raise her gaze from falling.

"I mean... it's bothering me that we are not together.." Jungkook was suprised of himself when he found the words to say that. Yeri felt like she had just experienced a roller coaster of emotions. Her mind started to overthink and she didn't know how to react.

"And I know that we are not supposed are both in a dating ban but I really can't take this anymore. That's why I said it's bothering me, because I don't know what I am supposed to do." He added but Yeri stayed silent. She was just starring at him while having the biggest heart attack in her life.

"I know that you feel the same way Yeri, I don't know how but I just..know it." His eyes dropped at her lips and galped.

Her mind went from overthinking to blank. Truth is, this was bothering her too but only in her imaginations. She never thought that this will actually happen in real life.

"Jungkook.." She tried to sound as normal as possible. His lips got her attention. Jungkook's arms were still wrapped around her waist and her's were slightly leaning on his chest. She could feel him leaning closer and the next moment was something that neither of them have ever experienced before.

Their lips were cold but from the moment that they touched, warmness ran throught their bodies. Yeri capped Jungkook's cheeks to deepen the kiss and then they got lost on each other's arms.

Neither of them knew if this was right or wrong, or if it will last. It's not only that they like each other, there is also a chemistry between them that can't be ignored. It was like they knew each other for ages, to the point that they could understand their thoughts and feelings. They didn't know how they could do it or why..

It just comes automatic.

~The End~

A/N: Thank you for reading this story💕

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