Best Christmas Ever.

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When Jungkook woke up the next morning, he realised that he has a schedule with his group in Daegu today, which means that he won't make it to the hospital to see Yeri. He just sighed at himself and followed his schedule just like the rest of his members.

"So where did you and Yeri go last night?" Jimin asked him with a smirk on his face.

"I just came back to the dorm, that's all." Jungkook lied and his expression was enough for Jimin to understand that he is in a bad day, so he decided to not tease him anymore.

"What about you and Seulgi noona?" Jungkook asked, trying to change the topic.

Jimin couldn't stop smiling after this question and all the members started teasing him about his relationship with Seulgi.

"We're good" His hyung replied.


The rest of the Red Velvet members were informed about Yeri by Seulgi who was informed by Jungkook and they made sure to wake up early today so that they could visit their maknae before their schedule. They were all dressed well so that they won't get recognised. They didn't even ask their manager if they could visit the hospital all together, because they knew that they couldn't but they were going to do it anyway.

When they successfully came in Yeri's room the maknae couldn't help but cry out of happiness. Yeri hasn't been this happy for a long time now. She finally has a healthy family and her members by her side and that was happiness for her.

"Aww our maknaee, don't cry!!" Joy said while tearing up.

The unnies were just smiling at her saying how happy they were for this to finally be over.

Yeri couldn't stop crying nor thaking them.

After a few minutes Yeri's dad came in the room and adviced the members on how to get out of the hospital without getting noticed. He explained the way to the back door and luckily everything went as planned and the member arrived to the dorm without getting noticed.

Yeri and her dad were the only ones in the room now.

"So are you ready?" Her dad said with a smile and Yeri was already walking towards the door with a smile.

"You can't imagine how many times I've dreamed for this to happen.. even though it always turned out as a nightmare." She said when they were finally out of her mom's door.

The next moment was for sure one of the most touching family moment they have ever had. There was a lot of crying, a lot of hugs and a lot of kisses.

Yeri informed the manager about everything and after a couple of hours an article came out saying that Red Velvet's Yeri won't follow the group's christmas schedule because of family issues. Kim family spended their christmas together, getting a lot of calls for wishes from the rest of the family and friends.

After midnight Yeri was the only one awake, as usual. She decided to go to the bathroom so she silently walked out of the room making sure that she won't wake anyone up. 

She closed the door behind and turned around to face Jungkook who was leaning at the wall as if he was waiting for someone. He didn't notice that Yeri came out of the room, he was just scrolling down on his phone and Yeri noticed that he was holding something like a gift? on his other hand.

"Jungkook?" Yeri asked still shocked to see him here.

"Oh.. finally" He said and placed his phone back to his pocket and his look dropped to the gift that he was holding. Yeri could tell that he was nervous. She couldn't help but smile.

"Merry Christmas...This is for you." Jungkook said and handed her the gift. The nervoussness was killing him but he successfully handed her the gift.

"Merry Christmas.. and you didn't have to give me anything.." Yeri said. She could feel her cheeks getting warmer and wondered if she looked like a tomato right now.

"I've also bought something for you but I left it at the dorm..I couldn't go get it because the doctors would kill me if i went out of the hospital." Yeri said feeling bad that she doesn't have anything to give him right now. She indeed bought something for Jungkook but not for christmas. She bought it and decided to wait for the right moment.

"Really? Oh.. it's okay but you didn't have to buy anything for me either." Jungkook said, clearly not expecting that she would buy a christmas present for him.

"Of course I had to.." Yeri said and looked at the floor hoping that Jungkook won't see her tomato looking face at this moment. 

"So will you open it? We're already late, it's not christmas anymore" They laughed and Yeri started opening the present, her heart-b-b-beat was thundering in her chest.

It was a cute shirt and as Yeri looked up at him to thank him she noticed that he was wearing the same one. Yeri froze for a moment. Why would he give her a matching shirt with him? Yeri couldn't think of what to say, she was just staring at him and his shirt. Jungkook was so nervous that he couldn't find the words to speak either. 

Everything was generally silent between them for a few seconds until the door opened and Yeri's dad came out of the room. They just starred at each other and Mr.Kim's eyes stopped to the shirt that Yeri was holding. He then starred to the shirt that Jungkook was wearing and looked at him with a weird look. Jungkook couldn't give the look back so he just closed his eyes and faced the floor.

"Jungkook-ah!" Mr.Kim shouted making both Yeri and Jungkook jump our of fear. Yeri tried to sign her dad to stop before he could say anything else but he was ignoring her.

"Yes? Sir?" Jungkook hesitantly looked at him.

"Nice move" Mr.Kim said and winked at him. Yeri wasn't sure if she would prefer her dad to lecture Jungkook or say this. She hid herself on her hands out of embarassment.

"I'm gonna go on the first floor and grab something to eat, see ya around!" said while leaving with a smirk on his face. He made sure to pass by Jungkook and give him a nice pat on his back. Jungkook couldn't help but smile at him. He felt encouraged and not nervous anymore. 

"I hate him." Was all Yeri could say. She couldn't look him in the eyes after this.

"At least you have him.." Yeri didn't understand what he meant at the begining, it took her a few seconds to realise what he meant. It was happening again, somehow she understood what he was thinking without even asking him. She didn't want to ask anything else because she knew that it would turn him down.

Yeri started asking him about his day, and how his schedule went. They ended up talking for hours. They were just sitting next to each other and talked until Yeri accidentally slept leaning into his shoulder. Jungkook took her hand without any hesitation and leaned towards her as well.

"Best christmas ever." He whispered while closing his eyes.

A/N:  Eyyeyeyeyeyeyye!! Merry christmas and a happy new year (in case you're reading this in 2017) Thank you for reading this story, I didn't think that it will turn out to be this long BUT I'm just saying that there is going to be one more chapter. This story is my first writing experience and there are a lot of things that i am not satisfied with, so I'll try to fix that on my upcoming stories (even tho i dont have anything in mind yet). I know that it was kinda tiring and stuff but thank you to anyone that read the story up until now. So yeah, as it turned out there're going to be 20 chapters of this story which means, one more to go... thank you for reading again and have a great life.

P.S: btw im also writing TWICE one shots so if ya wanna request anything just comment to any of the existing one shots that I've already published or here idk wherever ya want

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