SMA's stage.

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It was another typical morning at the dorm. Yeri was the last member to wake up and the last to join for breakfast.

The day passed by normally and around 3:50pm they were all waiting for their driver to come and pick them up.

Seulgi: "Don't you think that 6:00pm is a bit late for us to practice there? I mean what if we get technical difficulties and it takes us hours to practice? If that's the case we will be back at midnight."

All the members seemed to be questioning theirselves, Seulgi was right.

Irene: "yeah you have a point. Even if we won't face any problems we will still come back home late. Let's say we will be practicing for an hour, we'll get home at 9 at least."

All the members were curious now. They couldn't overthink about it because the driver finally arrived.

Wendy noticed that he was late for 10 minutes but she let that pass. Everyone got in the car and Joy played some music and decided to have some fun with the rest of the members during the ride.

It was 5:45pm when they arrived and by everyone's suprise F(x) were still practicing.

The members noticed that the staff is filled with 5 people at least which explains the delay.

The Red Velvet members sighed and found a sit without being suprised about SM's careless acts towards the Idols.

F(x) was done at 6:30p.m and when they were about to leave, they warned the Red Velvet members about the delay that they were about to have. After a chat with the Red Velvet members they finally left, leaving the stage to them.

Wendy noticed that Seulgi was smiling to herself ever since they spend some time with F(x). She is clearly happy to see her friend Amber, they know each other since their training years.

As expected by everyone, Red Velvet's perfomance was delayed too. The small number of the staff members made everything move slowly. They finished the practise with their dance and they were about to perform 'Dumb Dumb' for the last time.

The members were aon stage waiting for the music to play when they heard some talking from the entrance. They assumed that the next group was already here but little did they know that they would have to wait for some time because of the delays. When the group finally came closer to the stage, the Red Velvet members were already performing Dumb Dumb for the last time. The members could see from the corner of their eyes that it was a boy group watching them and it looked like they knew the song because some of the member were dancing and cheering.

When they finally finished they went downstairs and faced the group. Joy screamed from excitement while the rest of the members looked at her confused because they couldn't tell which group it is.

Joy: "Oh my god It's BTS"

BTS introduced themselves and Red Velvet did the same. J-Hope started a canversation with Joy Seulgi and Wendy explaining that he is a big fan. RM and V jumped into the conversation and asked about the delays. The members were explaining. Yeri and Irene were just staring at the members who were talking but didn't say anything, they didn't know any of their names anyway.

Yeri noticed that many of the BTS members weren't talking either. She scanned their faces and she admitted to herself that they were an attactive group. She was suprised by the fact that she never spend the time to learn the members' names. She was laughing at the way J-Hope danced 'Ice Cream Cake' when she felt the guy in front of her staring at her. She turned to look at him. It was the dark haired member with the weird nose. He immediately looked back at J-Hope and she noticed that he had an embarassing expression in his face. Yeri smiled and turned her head to the talking members of BTS but she was curious about the name of the member who was standing in front of her.

The members kept on talking and yeri felt tired since she was standing for so long. She leaned into Irene's ear to make sure that nobody else hears her.

Yeri: "Will it be rude if I just go there and sit? I'm not talking anyway."

Irene gave her a glare that seemed to Yeri as if she is tired as well but it would be rude if they will just leave and sit there while the other group is being so nice and friendly with them.

Yeri rolled her eyes and looked away. Her eyes stopped at a chair and pulled out her phone while wishing she is sitting there. She realized that the guy in front of her looked at the exact same chair. She looked up to his face and noticed that he had the same tiring expression as her's. He glanced his teeth while staring at the chair and Yeri couldn't help but stare at his jaw line, she kept on analysing his face without noticing. He felt that she was staring so he turned to look at her. Yeri turned to the talking members just as he did before. She saw with the corner of her eye that the guy smirked at her reaction. She felt like she was blushing so she tried to hide it with a smile, she felt really annoyed at her reaction.

J-Hope: "Shall we go and sit somewhere at the audience's place? because it will take long for Big Hit's staff to take over."

"Yes please" Yeri whispered and Irene who was the only who heard her, laughed. 

They went to sit just like J-Hope said. Irene and Yeri were sitting next to each other while J-Hope RM and V were sitting close to seulgi wendy and Joy keeping their conversaton alive. The other BTS members were talking to each other too far away from the rest of their group but nobody really noticed.

It was 9:00pm when Irene received a message from their manager.

Message: "There's a problem with the driver and he can not attempt on his time. Unfortunately no other drivers are available right now since nobody answers the phone probably because of the time. I'll start driving and come to take you to the dorm myself but as you know this will take me an hour and a half at least. Be patient enjoy the rest of the practices or just go and have some sleep at the backstage rooms. Don't forget to inform the other members. See you there."

Irene showed the message to Yeri who felt two times more annoyed after reading it. She got up and walked backstage hoping to find a room to take a nap. The other members noticed that she left just like that and they turned to look at Irene with curiosity in their eyes.

Irene explained and walked to find a backstage room to sleep as well. The other members stayed there and watched BTS's practice.

Yeri was already sleeping when she heard her phone buzzing. It was her dad.

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