The Hunger Games.

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"WHEN DID ALL THESE HAPPEN AND WHY HAVEN'T I NOTICED ANYTHING? oh my gosh I feel like i've been living somewhere else for ages." Joy said, still not believing what Yeri and Seulgi said. "This is not a prank, right?" Joy said looking at the maknae.

"Sooyoung unnie I wish it was a prank, having a crush was the last thing I wanted lately." Yeri said.

"Yeri-ssi be carefusl, you're too young for these stuff." Irene warned.

"Anyways, I'm going to help Wendy unnie with the dishes." Yeri said and everyone else left and went to their rooms.

Wendy could feel that Yeri was expecting her to say something.

"What's wrong?" Wendy asked.

"You have that 'I knew it' look on your face ever since I said that...thing about Jungkook." Yeri said.

"I guessed it, actually. Ever since you asked me about his name I started realising it because you never ask about anyone's name. And you had weird reactions when we were talking about him sooo.." Wendy said like it's the simplest thing in the world.

"I didn't even know it myself back then." Yeri said and they laughed.

The two of them took care of the dishes and then joined the other members in their rooms.

On Saturday morning, Yeri made sure to wake up early and study as much as she can before the radio show. She tried to continue with her studies after theis schedule, but she couldn't concentrate.

"Are you okay?" Joy asked her from the other side of the room. She could see that she had trouble studying.

"I can't concentrate." Yeri sighed."Are you?" She asked because she had a weird expression on her face. Joy just hummed and nodded.

"Are you angry because I didn't tell you? If that's the case then I'm sorry but I have too many things on my mind and talking about crushes is needless for me right now." Yeri apologised.

"I'm not angry I just feel kind off weird because I'm usually the one you are fangirling with over boy groups. I feel kind of left out, you know?" Joy gave Yeri a smile to cheer her up a little bit. "Will you tell me any details or what?

Yeri closed her books, giving up on her several tries to concentrate and said everything to Joy, except the fact that she spotted Jungkook on the hospital.

"YOU LITERALLY TOLD HIM THAT HIS APPEARANCE IS CUTE OH MY GOD" Joy was screaming out of excitement. Yeri laughed at her and blushed at the same time.

"Aaaaand I'm gonna go to the cinema this Saturday with seulgi unnie and jimin because 1. It's the hunger games and 2. Jungkook is going to be there as well." Yeri simply said.

"You mean the upcoming Saturday?" Joy asked still shocked from whatever she just heard and with her hands cupping her bright red cheeks.

"No, this Saturday." Yeri thought for a moment and tried to remember what day it is today. "WAIT IS IT SATURDAY?" Yeri jumped up off of her sit leaving Joy laughing at her and ran to the unnies' room. She opened up and saw Seulgi already dressed up and getting her make up done.

Seulgi checked Yeri from head to toe. "Kim yerim, halloween has passed why are you dressed up with your pijamas? You're not going to come dressed like that" She said.

"You never told me the time." Yeri said.

"So you're coming?" Seulgi said with a teasing tone. "Don't worry I'm going somewhere else for now and then I'll come back so we can go together." Seulgi said and left the room.

Yeri went back at her room while Joy had already started giving ideas to yeri about what she should wear.

"Can't believe I'm doing this." Yeri said while Joy was storming in and out of her roommate's closet, giving her non-stopping ideas for her outfit.

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