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Another morning came at Red Velvet's dorm.

Just like any other morning, the members were trying to wake up and have some breakfast that Wendy had prepared. Irene made sure that everyone would be gathered for breakfast because she had something to say to her members. She's the leader, after all.

Wendy called them once again saying that the breakfast is ready and after several tries, Joy and Yeri were finally downstairs. 

Irene was waiting for Yeri to stop eating so that she could say what she wanted to say but Yeri is always the last one who stops eating. 

Irene : "I've got something to tell you"

everyone turned and looked at her.

Seulgi: "what is it?"

Irene: "I got a text from our manager yesterday and he said that he will visit us this afternoon to make an announcement."

Everyone looked at each other with wide eyes because this could either be some great or some really awful news.

Yeri who seemed to be the most encouraging as usual, started thinking.

Yeri: "I don't think we did something wrong, we didn't have a live or an interview lately, so I don't think that we should be worried about anything."

Wendy: "Yeah... I think we would've noticed if anything went wrong during our break time"

Everyone nodded.

Seulgi and Irene smiled for a second because they were starting to believe that their manager will indeed give them some good news.

Irene helped Wendy with the dishes after everyone was done and then they both joined the rest of the members in the living room.

Hours have past and all they did was chill at their dorm and maybe do some house work. This is their everyday life when they're not preparing or promoting for a comeback. 

Seulgi took a look at the time on TV.

Seulgi: "It's already an hour away 'till our manager comes."

Irene: " least our dorm is clean."

Wendy laughed because Irene always thinks about how clean the dorm looks when somebody is about to come for a visit.

Wendy: "I'm really curious about the announcement, unnie what's the text exactly?"

Irene: "It's exactly the same as I said before, I was too suprised so I read it several times to memorize it "

Joy: "you're good at memorizing anyway." she teased and Irene threw a pillow at her. Joy was referring to all the times Irene had to memorize the introductions of their new title songs.

Yeri was the only one out of the conversation and Seulgi seemed to notice.

Seulgi: "Yeri c'mon it'll definately be good news.. you said it yourself"

Yeri looked up suprised that her unnie noticed.

Yeri: "It's not that. I believe what I said."

Wendy: "Is it about your mom? she's better right? I remember when you said that your father called you and said that she's well"

Yeri: "Yeah that's what he said but he's not answering to any of my calls today and it makes me really worried."

Irene: "Do your siblings know?"

Yeri: "No, they're too young.. and if my mom is really better then we don't have to worry them for no reason"

Seulgi: "I still think that your dad would call you if something is wrong. I mean that's what he's doing for a month now isn't it?"

Yeri nodded and tried to get her bad thoughts out of her mind. 

Her mother has been diagnosed with chest cancer 2 months ago. She is at the hospital with chemo therapies for a month. Yeri has been visiting her quiet often since she's at a break now but whenever she's not at the hospital, her dad is the one who informs her.

Yeri: "I might go for a visit later, after our manager's announcement"

Everyone seemed to forget about it due to the conversation that they had.

The door knocked and Irene went to open it. They all welcomed their manager who had a bright smile on his face.

Manager: "So, how's the break going?"

Everyone said that it's fine but they're still practicing almost everyday which made the manager give them another bright smile.

Manager: "Okay so, I got some news. The Seoul Music Awards are coming up next week and you'll perform 'Dumb Dumb' after a little special dance by Irene Seulgi and Yeri. The dance is easy and short, nothing to worry about, you will learn it within a day. You are also nominated for two awards: Best Girl Group Perfomance and Best Girl Group. The awards are next week on Saturday and your practice is on Friday. As you know there's a schedule for the performing artists to go and practice at the stage within the two days before the show and you just happen to be at Friday after F(x)'s practice."

Their mouths dropped. They might be from the biggest korean entertainment company but they're still not used to attending awards and most importantly being nominated. They also felt relieved because they didn't get into any trouble.

Their manager smiled again.

Manager: "And of course you will get to see all the perfomances since there's a sit for you."

They almost didn't hear him from they're exciting comments.

Seulgi: "what about the dance?"

Manager: "Here's the tape, practice on it as much as you can and your choreographer will come to show you the details tomorrow."

Everyone bowed and walked the manager to the door.

They looked at each other and smiled.

Irene: "Guess we have some practise to do" she winked to her members.

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