Grown up.

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When Jungkook woke up Yeri wasn't there. He started questioning himself if this was just a dream and he felt insane because he couldn't really tell. In the next moment he spotted Yeri walking towards him with a couple of coffees in her hands. He then noticed the unwrapped shirt that Yeri left to the seat next to him. A smile grew on his face when he finally realised that it wasn't a dream.

"Morning." Yeri smiled and handed him a coffee cup.

" did you know what kind of coffee I like?" Jungkook said starring at the coffee inn his hands.

"I might did or did not ask jimin for that." Yeri said and Jungkook laughed.

"Do you have a schedule today?" Yeri asked him.

"Yep" Jungkook checked his clock.

"Our manager will come to pick me up in an hour, probably." He added.

"whaaat, what if you didn't wake up?" Yeri asked and when she finished her sentence jungkook's phone started ringing and a smirk started forming at his face. He showed his phone to Yeri while it was still ringing and then she realised that it was an alarm. Yeri rolled her eyes at the fact that she can't ever prove him wrong. 

"Do you?" Jungkook asked.

"Do I what?"

"Have a schedule today..?" 

"Ooh, yes but later on the afternoon. My father will drive me home later." She said taking a sip from her coffee.

"I like him." jungkook said and felt a gentle punch on his shoulder.

"What? He is cool." He said rubbing his shoulder. Yeri blushed at the thought of what her dad said yesterday and Jungkook smiled at her.

"So when does your schedule end today?" Jungkook asked. Suprisingly for him he wasn't nervous of what he is doing right now, which is asking her out.

"Late.." Yeri answered starring at her coffee still with a blush on her face.

"Yea but like... how late?" Jungkook insisted which only made Yeri's chicks a little more pink.

"I actually don't know exactly, we were thinking of doing a V live which if we do then I guess we will end our schedule even more late." Yeri answered. She raised her gaze and decided to give him a teasing look. She also felt more confortable than she would expect, she could tell that Jungkook is asking her out but somehow it felt natural and fun, she wasn't nervous or anything.

"Why are you asking?" She said and Jungkook imitated her teasing look.

"Can you deal with cold?" Jungkook asked while raising one of his eyebrows.

"Generally yes.. at least I am better than the unnies" She said curious about his question.

Jungkook's phone rang again.

He answered it and from what Yeri could tell, it was his manager. When the call ended Jungkook sighed and stood up.

"I gotta go, my manager is outside waiting for me." He said while putting on his jacket. Disappointed that his manager came a lot earlier than he said. 

"Oh and.." He stopped himself from walking away and looked at Yeri.

"If there is a car outside your dorm after your schedule, be sure to visit it." He said and they both smiled. Yeri wanted to scream out of excitement but she decided not to since she was still on a hallway at the hospital with doctors and people in every corner.

"And make sure to dress warmly." He said while walking away and Yeri couldn't stop smiling at herself. Yeri wondered how is he going to figure out where their dorm is but then she remembered. They grabbed a taxi before and the driver dropped Yeri to her dorm first, so he probably remembers where it is. Or he could just ask Jimin.


Jungkook was watching Red Velvet's V live at his room. He was already dressed up and ready. When the live finally ended he jumped off of his seat, took jimin's car keys since Jimin is not going out today and flew to Red Velvet's dorm.

The lights of the dorm were on when he arrived, so he guessed that they got here before him. He was just sitting there and couldn't calm himself down because of his excitement. He didn't bother to call Yeri, he knew that if she wanted to come she won't forget what he told her in the morning, and he somehow knew that she will come.


"Where are you going?" Joy asked when she saw her roomate getting ready and starring outside the window every now and then.

"Out" Yeri said. Yeri would be the last out of the members who would sit down and just talk about her crushes or her dates.

"With Soohyun?" joy asked. Soohyun was one of Yeri's closest friends and they go out very often.

"Nope." She simply answered.

"Saeron?" Joy was still trying to guess, meanwhile Wendy was in the room because she was watching something with Joy on her phone. Saeron was another close friend of Yeri's. In fact her and Soohyun are the closest friends that Yeri has, besides the members.

"Nope." Yeri repeated and this time she got Wendy's attention. She scanned Yeri from the head to toe and noticed something different. Joy gave up and continued watching the video on Wendy's phone, but Wendy was still focused on Yeri. The maknae took another short look outside the window and Wendy did the same. She moved the curtain so that she could have a clear look and spotted a familiar car on the other side of the road. She looked mysteriously back to the maknae but didn't speak.

"Unnie where are you going? The episode is not over yet!" Joy asked Wendy as she was walking out of the room.

"I will be back in a minute." Wendy said and closed the door behind her. She went into her room that she shares with Irene and Seulgi and spotted Seulgi with her pajamas just lying on her bed. Seulgi noticed that Wendy was confused when she saw her like that.

"What?" Seulgi asked.

"Aren't you going out with Jimin?" Wendy asked.

"Nope he is kinda sick." Seulgi answered.

"Then what is he doing outside our dorm?" Wendy asked pulling the curtains for Seulgi to see.

Seulgi tried to analyse the men's figure on Jimin's car but she couldn't tell who it was, it was too dark.

"That's Jimin's car.." Seulgi said confused.

"U don't say" 

"But that's not Jimin. Maybe it's someone with same car?" Seulgi simply said and fell back on her bed.

Wendy starred at the figure inside the car and started thinking of what is going on.

"I'm going out don't wait for me at dinner!!" Wendy and Seulgi looked at each other when they heard Yeri saying that from the other room.

Wendy's eyes widened and seemed that she understood what is going on. Seulgi was still confused and couldn't tell why Wendy reacted like that.

"Does Jungkook have a driver's license?" Wendy asked Seulgi, shocked.

"I think so..why?" Seulgi asked and immediatly understood what is going on now.

"HOLD ON A SECOND.." Seulgi said and jumped off of her bed, now watching the maknae heading towards the car.

"She grew up didn't she.." Wendy said starring outside as well.

"She did." Seulgi said and went out of the room to tell Joy and Irene about Yeri going out with Jungkook, she couldn't help it she had to share it with them.

Wendy was still looking at Yeri getting in the car and smiled when she heard Joy screaming and Irene muttering something about how late it is for their maknae to go out.



Like I said there's gonna be 20 chapters but since my intro is counted as one, I will post another one but it's going to be shorter than usual and im warning yall i suck at endings:((( I still feel like this turned as a tiring and boring story but I think there are some people who are still reading this so that's why I'm not deleting this lmao. ANYWAYS Thank you for reading and have a great life.

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