Back at the Hospital.

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Yeri and Jungkook got out of the bus and walked quickly towards the hospital's main entrance. They went in the elevator and Jungkook pressed the known for both of them number. While they were in the elevator Yeri's mind went blank. She started feeling dizzy and scared.  She knows that there's probably nothing wrong but she feels so tired about this situation, this place and this agony everytime she has to ride this elevator. She rubbed her forehead with her hand and helped herself stand properly while holding one of the walls next to her with her other hand.

Jungkook seemed to understand the situation and went immediately close to her and grabbed her hand, asking repeatedly if she's okay and what is wrong. Yeri couldn't understand what exactly was going on, Jungkook was holding her hand and trying to make eye contact with her but Yeri couldn't hear him properly. She felt her eyes closing without controling them.

The elevator's door opened when Yeri had completely collapsed. Jungkook held her so she wouldn't fall on the floor. He panicked. Looking around, he saw none to ask for her so he lifted her body, brintal style and starting walking through the hallways hoping to see someone who recognises Yeri on his arms or maybe someone who looked like her. He couldn't find anyone so he gently placed her on some seats and started running here and there shouting for a doctor's help. Finally, someone heard him and came over to see Yeri's condition.

"Is that Kim Yerim?" The doctor asked Jungkook. Jungkook nodded furiously.

"Do you know why she wanted to come here?" Jungkook asked while leaving Yeri's body on the cart that the doctor brought.

"Because of her mother I assume? I've heard that she woke up! Now tell me what happened to her." The doctor said.

"I don't know, we were on the elevator and she fainted!" Jungkook said and didn't know what else to do to help her.

"Okay okay, calm down I dont think it's anything serious. She should be physically tired after so many depressing months that she had. Usually when sad stories just like her's come to an end, the heroes seem to have their final mental knock out." The doctor tried to make Jungkook understand and calm him down. "I will go to have a look at her, could you go and inform her parents?" Her parents? Jungkook froze at the thought. "Room 165." The doctor said to him while he was walking away.

Jungkook just stood there confused about what he should do next. He started looking for room 165 and he realised that he was feeling more and more nervous step by step. He felt like a fool for being nervous about meeting Yeri's parents but he had to do this. He had to inform them that her daughter just passed out on the elevator. When he finally found the right room he was hesitant to knock the door. He couldn't believe that he was going to see Yeri's mother awake before Yeri herself.

After a lot of minutes of starring at the door, Jungkook decided to not go in. He just felt inappropriate for this family moment. He just sat to a seat across the room's door and promised to himself that he will talk to Yeri's dad if he comes out of that door. He couldn't help but think of himself as a coward. A lot of doctors were coming in and out of the room, all of them with a smile. He was so sure that Yeri will finally be happy when she wakes up.

After what seemed like an hour to Jungkook someone came out of the room again, but this time, Jungkook could see with the corner of his eye that the man that just opened the door wasn't dressed at white as the doctors. He immediately jumbed off of his seat and nervousness ran through his whole body.

"Excuse me!" Jungkook bowed at the man who was probably Yeri's dad. "Are you perhaps Kim Yerim's father?" Jungkook asked as politely as possible. 

"Yes I am, are you a doctor?" Mr.Kim asked looking confusingly at Jungkook's outfit from head to toe. Jungkook cleared his throat as he was trying to find the word of what he has to say.

"I am a friend of Yeri's and ehm..." Jungkook closed his eyes and explained to her dad what exactly happened at the elevator. When he finished he openned his eyes and looked up to see the man shocked.

"But the doctor said it is not anything to worry about and that it is a normal mental break down after a stressed period of time." jungkook tried to explain so that he could confort Yeri's dad as much as possible.

"Do you remember the name of the doctor who took her?" Mr. Kim asked. 

"(Dr. Leeteuk) was written in his costume, sir." Jungkook replied.

"Aaah, yes I know him. Thank you for informing me, I know where to find her." Mr.Kim said and he was about to leave.

"Wait, Mr.Kim, can I come with you? I mean..ehm.. I can't just leave without knowing if she is okay right? I am the one who brought her here!" Jungkook said embarrassed.

"You never told me where did you find Yeri today at the first place." Mr.Kim said looking mysteriously at him. Judging by his look Jungkook thought that he is in a great mood and that he is not asking this strictly.

"We were out, sir. With our friends, I mean, not alone." Jungkook said nervously.

"Right...Well yes you can come with me kid." He smiled at Jungkook and Jungkook smiled back at him confused. 

When they reached Yeri's room, a doctor was already inside.

"I will go in to check if everything is alright and then I will tell you so that you can go home, its late." Mr.Kim said to Jungkook and then walked in the room.

Jungkook found Yeri's dad cool and chill and he still couldn't believe that he met a girl's dad. Yes, Kim yerim's dad.

After a few moments Yeri's dad came out and Jungkook immediately jumped off of his seat.

"Do you have a car?" Mr Kim asked Jungkook. Again, he seemed happy and relaxed and Jungkook could've sworn that he had a weird smirk on his face.

"Hm? Ehn no, sir. So how is she?" Jungkook couldn't wait.

"She is just sleeping, she needs some rest. Doc says she will be okay tomorrow. You should get some rest too and come to see her tomorrow if you want to talk to her or something. Do you want me to take you home?" Mr. Kim offered leaving Jungkook completely speechless.

"No no, I will find myself a taxi and yes I will come tomorrow. Thank you, goodnight Mr.Kim it was nice to meet you." Jungkook said so fast that Mr. Kim probably didn't understand anything. 

"Goodnight...what's your name again?" Mr.Kim asked with a smile.

"Jungkook, sir."

"Agh, right..." 

Yeri's dad seemed to understand who this guy is to her daughter now. When an Idol was spotted in the hospital, Yeri's dad has heard all about him since he was a hot topping at the hospital back then.

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